Presentations (4) Presentation 1: i2b2 / tranSMART BD2K PIC-SURE RESTful APIPresenter: Paul Avillach name | AUG2016_Avillach.pdf |
height | 150 |
Presentation 2: Healthcare System DynamicsPresenter: Griffin Weber, MD, PhD
- HSD Cycles in Clinical Data
- Using HSD to Predict Outcomes
- Using HSD to Derive Normal Ranges
- Adding HSD to i2b2
name | AUG2016_Weber.pdf |
height | 150 |
Presenter(s): Christopher Herrick and Lori Phillips
- Information Commons
- i2b2 Cell: The Canonical Software Module
- Distributed Queries: Central and Remote Hives
name | AUG2016_Herrick-Phillips.pdf |
height | 150 |
Presentation 4: Developing Specialized Hives to Contribute to the i2b2 EcosystemPresenters: Shawn Murphy and Mike Mendis - Distributed Query System links together Specialized i2b2 Hives
- Using BRISSKIT to assemble a new Hive very quickly
- Patient Information Commons
name | AUG2016_Murphy-Mendis.pdf |
height | 150 |