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AMIA Mission

AMIA aims to lead the way in transforming health care through trusted science, education, and the practice of informatics. AMIA connects a broad community of professionals and students interested in informatics. AMIA is the bridge for knowledge and collaboration across a continuum, from basic and applied research to the consumer and public health arenas. AMIA actively supports five domains:



Anonymous. AMIA Website. (04/11/17)


For additional information about AMIA and the five supported domains you can visit their website ( or click on the domain listed above.


i2b2 AMIA Sessions


During the recent 2017 Join Summits on Translational Research conference held in San Fransisco, the i2b2 Foundation held two sessions that were available to all attendees. At these sessions, members of the i2b2 Community presented information on i2b2 & REDCap integration as well as training approaches taken at their institution.

The links contained in the table shown below will bring you to the appropriate pages to view the presentations and when available view a video of the session.

Past i2b2 Sessions at AMIA Conferences

Conference Session Topic Event Date Presenter(s) Institution Additional Resources
AMIA: 2017 Joint Summits on Translational Science i2b2 REDCap Integration Session March 27, 2017
AMIA: 2017 Joint Summits on Translational Science i2b2 Training Approaches March 27, 2017

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