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i2b2 Educational Sessions

The i2b2 Education Seminars are designed for members of the i2b2 Community to connect and share information about their work to other members of the community. These seminars also provide members of the i2b2 Community a forum to learn more about each other, how they utilize the i2b2 and to initiate collaborative projects.

info Note
Please contact Diane Keogh or Janice Donahoe if you would like to present your work or have an idea for a future topic.

Upcoming i2b2 Educational Sessions

Topic Event Date Presenter(s) Institution Additional Resources
Topic To Be Determined (TBD)

Past i2b2 Educational Sessions

Topic Event Date Presenter(s) Institution Additional Resources
The i2b2 and tranSMART Platforms
Expediting translational and clinical research
January 23, 2017
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Recorded Webinar
Paul Avillach
Yike Guo
Diane Keogh
Rudy Potenzone
Avillach Lab at Harvard Medical School
Imperial College
i2b2 Foundation
tranSMART Foundation
Session 1: Integrating i2b2 with REDCap and Epic October 13, 2016 Philip Ng University of Rochester
Session 2: ETL Discussion at AMIA November 14, 2016
6:30 - 8:30 PM
AMIA 2016 Annual Meeting
Diane Keogh
James R. Campbell, MD
Andrew Post, MD, PhD
Russ Waitman, PhD
Mike Mendis
i2b2 Foundation AMIA 2016 Annual Symposium

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