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Paul Avillach, Harvard Medical School

Yike Guo, Imperial College

Diane Keogh, i2b2 Foundation

Rudy Potenzone, tranSMART Foundation


Date: January 23, 2017




On January 23rd, both the i2b2 and tranSMART Foundations presented a joint webinar to familiarize both communities with what each organization has to offer. During this webinar Dr. Paul Avillach and Dr. Yike Guo presented examples how using both platforms has been instrumental in several projects at their institutions.




Webinar Video





Tip on Viewing Video in Full Screen

Follow these easy steps to view the video in "Full Screen" mode.

  • Start the video
  • A task bar will now appear at the bottom of the video.
  • Click on the YouTube icon to bring you to the tranSMART YouTube Channel.


  • The video should start automatically, once it does click on the Full Screen icon.


  • Video will now play on your full screen.




Presentation Slides















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