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1.7.13 Release Notes

The Webclient configuration file has changed!


When upgrading to the v1.7.13 webclient, you will notice that i2b2_config_data.js has been renamed to i2b2_config_data.json. Your old configuration will still work with this new file name, but you will need to:

  • remove all comments from the file (lines that begin with //).
  • Escape slashes (e.g., / becomes \/)

There are also new optional parameters, documented below and in 1.4.2 Domain Configuration.

Highlight of Features

Top New Features

SAML Authentication

User Account Registration Tool

ACT Ontology v4

Improved patient counting scripts

Synthea SyntheticMass dataset in i2b2 format

Simplified database upgrade method

log4J upgrade (to address security concerns)

Apache Log4j Logo.png

Code changes to address security vulnerabilities


Community-Contributed Features



SAML Authentication

Kevin Bui
Michelle Morris
University of Pittsburgh

Justin Prosser
University of Washington

Mike Mendis
Jeff Klann
Reeta Metta
Mass General Brigham

i2b2 now includes support for SAML-based enterprise authentication via an institutional Identity Provider. See more information below.

Ability to specify user parameter defaults

Michael Horvath
Wake Forest University

This change is meant to allowing user params to take precedence over hive params. Currently, it's the other way around.

Particularly, if you have the situation where you have a large number of users who use an authentication method other than the default basic, but your service account (AGG_SERVICE_ACCOUNT) is using basic then you need to specify a user param for each of your users.

With this change, you can set default authentication params in pm_hive_params for all users, and then set your service account specifically to be authentication_method = 'BASIC'. May seem like a small change, but it would be very welcome not to need to assign params for each new user at our institution.

In the process of making this change, I re-organized basic authentication into its own package and removed some code duplication.

LDAP UPN Support

Michael Horvath
Wake Forest University

Active Directory enables other methods of binding which are more flexible besides just using the distinguished name. This change is to enable binding the the User Principle Name form, which is very convenient when the distinguished names for users is not easily available (OU by department, etc.).

API to get all children of an ontology node

Kevin Bui
Michelle Morris
University of Pittsburgh

The metadata GetChildren API call, which returns information on the children of an ontology node, can now be configured to return multiple levels of children (e.g., children, children's children, etc.). This is done by specifying the numLevel parameters. 

By default, the function assumes numLevel = 1 and will return the direct descendants of the concept, which is one level of children.  When the numLevel = -1 the function will return ALL descendants of the concept, otherwise the function will return up to and including the number of levels specified by numLevel (eg. numlevel=2 returns two levels of descendants, numLevel=4 returns four levels of descendants).

Totalnum Counter Performance ImprovementsDarren Henderson
University of Kentucky
Performance enhancements on SQL Server totalnum counting to not unnecessarily recompute temp tables.
ACT v4 Postgres bugfixes

Ambreen Zaver
University of Colorado

Bugfixes in time interval calculation (for age and age-at-visit) in ACT v4 ontology for Postgres.

Detailed Documentation on New Features

User Registration Tool

TODO - Documentation draft is here - 

There are two paths: SAML and local


NEW 1.7.13! Defines an information source for the new user registration tool. (If showRegistration is true, this parameter must be present.)

  • "SAML" = The tool will register users based on SAML EPPNs.
  • Any other value = The tool will register users with information entered in the registration form that pops up. If the value is non-empty, new users will be created with a corresponding entry in PM_user_params. 

SAML Authentication

i2b2 now includes support for SAML-based enterprise authentication via an institutional Identity Provider. To configure this, you need to do the following:

A. Configure the webclient to use SAML:

loginType = "federated" see 1.4.2 Domain Configuration

B. Configure users for SAML authentication

Create a user for each SAML-authenticating user with the user name set to the SAML EPPN. Create a pm_user_param setting authentication_method to SAML. Alternately, configure the user registration tool for federated mode, and it will allow users to create an i2b2 account if they have a valid SAML authentication. (Such users will still not have access to any projects until the administrator adds projects to his/her profile.)

C. Configure Shibboleth (SAML Service Provider) and AJP

Detailed documentation is in the install docs. See SAML setup. Note that this requires site-specific information from your institution's SAML Identity Provider. (DOCUMENTATION IS NOT CORRECTLY IMPORTED FROM KEVIN'S VERSION -

Improved Totalnum Scripts

Totalnum Scripts (patient counting scripts) have been updated to improve the counter performance on both many ontology tables and very large(>1.5 million) ontologies  such as ACT medications. Debug messages have also been added for troubleshooting and profiling purposes. Support for multiple fact tables has been added and bugfixes have been made.

Totalnum Scripts Setup

  1. If upgrading, create the totalnum and totalnum_report tables. In Release_1-7/Upgrade/Metadata, run the ant upgrade script.
    ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_tables_release_1-7-12a
  2. In the Release_1-7/NewInstall/Metadata/ run the ant script to create the stored procedures. 
    ant -f data_build.xml create_metadata_procedures_release_1-7 
  3. Set privileges: If using multiple schemas, the stored procedure should be run from the metadata schema. Make sure the stored procedure can read the tables in the crcdata schema (observation_fact, visit_dimension, patient_dimension) and can both read an update ontology tables in the metadata schema (including table_access). 
  4. If using multiple fact tables, the recommended approach is to create a fact table view as the union of all your fact tables. (This is essentially going back to a single fact table, but it is only used for totalnum counting. This is needed to correctly count patients that mention multiple fact tables within a hierarchy.)
           create view observation_fact_view as
           select * from CONDITION_VIEW 
           union all
           select * from drug_view
    If running the counting script in SQL Server, add the wildcard flag, to ignore multifact references in the ontology: e.g. exec RunTotalnum 'observation_fact_view','dbo','@','Y'
    This is automatically accounted for in the other database platforms. Note this approach does not work if you have conflicting concept_cds across fact tables.
  5. Run the stored procedures on your database. This can be done in two ways:
    1. Run the ant command to execute the data_build.xml file with below specified target 
      POSTGRESQL : ant -f data_build.xml db_metadata_run_total_count_postgresql
      ORACLE : ant -f data_build.xml db_metadata_run_total_count_oracle
      SQL SERVER : ant -f data_build.xml db_metadata_run_total_count_sqlserver   
    2. Execute the RunTotalNum  stored procedure manually against your database in from a sql Client. This can take several hours.  Example is below. 

Running the totalnum stored procedure directly


You can optionally include a table named if you only want to count one ontology table (this IS case sensitive):

Note: If you get the error as: ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privilege, then run the command:
        grant create table to (DB USER)  

SQL server:              
       exec RunTotalnum 'observation_fact','dbo','@'
Parameters are: 1) the observation table name (for multi-fact-table setups), 2) the schemaname, 3) a single table name to run on a single ontology table or '@' to run on all, and 4) and a wildcard flag that will ignore multifact references in the ontology if 'Y'

  select RUNTOTALNUM('observation_fact','public')
Replace 'public' by the schema name for the fact table
If using a schema other than public for metadata, you might need to run "set search_path to 'i2b2metadata','public' " first as wel

When finished, verify it is complete by checking that c_totalnum columns in your ontology tables contain numbers (not nulls). These total counts will be visible in the ontology browser in the web client. Note that parent folders will get counts (of all patients with facts in the leaves) except for ontology folders derived from visit_dimension or patient_dimension. These cannot be rolled up because of the way these terms are defined in the ontology. They will have no count at all (not a zero).

Additional New Stored Procedures

Age In Years Updater

When the CRC data is installed via ant, a new SQL script updates the age_in_years_num in the patient dimension based on the birth date.

As a reminder, this load process can be triggered with ant -f data_build.xml db_demodata_load_data in the CRC directory of NewInstall.

Concept Dimension Updater

Insert_Concept_FROMTableAccess  is designed to populate concept_dimenison table using Table_access table records.
The stored procedure loops through the table_access  and  inserts values from corresponding c_table_name metadatatable which have 
c_tablename column value as 'concept_dimension'
Example usage: exec Insert_Concept_FROMTableAccess

I2b2-Synthea data Load

Synthetic patient data generated by Synthea can be loaded into i2b2. The Synthea SyntheticMass sample files have been converted to i2b2-ACT format, and scripts to load Synthea data from scratch are available here:

Synthea Load Process:

  1. Set up an i2b2 project with the ACT ontology.
  2. Either download the SyntheticMass 1k sample from TODO LOCATION, or follow the instructions below to load any Synthea dataset from scratch.

Loading Synthea data from scratch

  1. Download SyntheticMass Data, Version 2 (24 May, 2017)
  • All data sets (1k, COVID 10k, COVID 100k) have been verified to work EXCEPT the 100k patients in the large SyntheticMass Version 2 download. This version needs an extra step to delete invalid records before import. In this case, download to your disk, and then run "synthea_cleanup <directory-for-synthea-csv-files>" The fixed csv files will be in <directory-for-synthea-csv-files>/fixcsv.
  1. Set up an i2b2 project with the ACT ontology.
  2. Download the scripts from
  3. Run create_synthea_table_<your dbServertype>.sql in your project to create the Synthea tables.
  4. Import the Synthea data you downloaded in step one into the Synthea tables in your project.
  5. Load the i2b2-to-SNOMED table in this repository into your project.
    • Click on the "Download SNOMED-CT to ICD-10-CM Mapping Resources" link to download. (You will need a UMLS account.)
    • Unzip the file
    • Import the TSV file into a table called SNOMED_to_ICD10 in your database.
  6. In Postgres and Oracle, follow the additional instructions in the comments at the top of synthea_to_i2b2_<your dbServerType>.sql to clean up the date formatting.
  7. Run synthea_to_i2b2_<your dbServertype>.sql to convert synthea data into i2b2 tables (this will truncate your existing fact and dimension tables!)
    • Replace references to i2b2metadata.dbo in the script. Use the database and schema where your ACT ontology tables are.

ACT Version-4 Ontology data load

Metadata scripts are now available to load the latest ACT Version-4  Ontology into your i2b2 db schema

ACT4 data load process:

  • Download the newinstall  zip package from
  • Extract the  metadata\act folder from the downloaded zip folder
  • Replace\Release_1-7\NewInstall\Metadata\act  folder with extracted new act folder
  • Edit the file in your metadata folder  to update the project properties to 'ACT'db.project=ACT
  • From the\Release_1-7\NewInstall\Metadata folder, run the ant command: ant -f data_build.xml db_metadata_load_data
  • This will execute the  SQL scripts form the\Release_1-7\NewInstall\Metadata\act folder  to create the new ACT4 Ontology tables
  • and loads the corresponding metadata. 
  • You can now verify the new Ontology  by logging into the webclient.

The following command will load the corresponding concept_dimension data of the Onbtology tables  that will enable you to run queries in the webclient

From a sql Client>select 'insert into concept_dimension select c_dimcode AS concept_path, c_basecode AS concept_cd, c_name AS name_char, null AS concept_blob, update_date AS update_date, download_date as download_date, import_date as import_date, sourcesystem_cd as sourcesystem_cd, 1 as upload_id from '
+c_table_name+' where m_applied_path=''@'' and c_tablename=''CONCEPT_DIMENSION'' and c_columnname=''concept_path'' and c_visualattributes not like ''%I%'' and (c_columndatatype=''T'' or c_columndatatype=''N'') and c_synonym_cd = ''N'' and (m_exclusion_cd is null or m_exclusion_cd='''') and c_basecode is not null and c_basecode!='''''
from <your_dbschema>.dbo.TABLE_ACCESS where c_visualattributes like '%A%'

Security Enhancements

  • i2b2 has been made more secure by addressing parameterization and other potential vulnerabilities according to a Veracode scan.
  • Log4J has been upgraded to the latest version.

Improved db Upgrade Process

Currently i2b2 db upgrade is a multi-step process of running upgrade scripts and stored procedures. This release provides a set of upgrade scripts which will perform the complete db upgrade.

based on your current build version.

For example: Following Ant command will upgrade your db instance from 1.7.09c to latest version.

>ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_table_release_1-7-09c upgrade_table_release_1-7-10 upgrade_table_release_1-7-11 upgrade_table_release_1-7-12

Steps to Perform db upgrade:

  • Backup your existing data folder
  • Copy all the folders from the extracted download data folder   into your existing  data Upgrade folder
               Example:  Downloads\2b2core-upgrade-1712a\i2b2\data to C:\opt\\Release_1-7\Upgrade\. This will replace
               existing Crcdata, Hivedata, Metadata, PMdata folders.
     Alternative to above step, navigate to the\Release_1-7\Upgrade\   directory of your extracted folder
  • Copy the files from your back up into the respective locations(namely Crcdata, Hivedata, Metadata, PMdata )
  • Open the command prompt and navigate to  cell folders and run the following upgrade ant commands on your i2b2 database instance, where {db}      can  be Oracle, sqlserver or postgresql.
    Alternative to above Step, you can run individual SQL scripts on your db instance in place of  ant commands.

In  data folder\Release_1-7\Upgrade\  run the ant commands under each individual cell subfolder as below.

Upgrade From BuildUpgrade to Latest build


In the Crcdata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_table_release_1-7-09c upgrade_table_release_1-7-10 upgrade_table_release_1-7-11 upgrade_table_release_1-7-12

In the Hivedata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_hive_tables_release_1-7-09c upgrade_hive_tables_release_1-7-10 upgrade_hive_tables_release_1-7-11 upgrade_hive_tables_release_1-7-12

In the Metadata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_tables_release_1-7-09c upgrade_tables_release_1-7-10 upgrade_tables_release_1-7-11 upgrade_tables_release_1-7-12

In the PMdata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_pm_tables_release_1-7-09c upgrade_pm_tables_release_1-7-10 upgrade_pm_tables_release_1-7-11 upgrade_pm_tables_release_1-7-12


In the Crcdata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_table_release_1-7-10 upgrade_table_release_1-7-11 upgrade_table_release_1-7-12

In the Hivedata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_hive_tables_release_1-7-10 upgrade_hive_tables_release_1-7-11 upgrade_hive_tables_release_1-7-12

In the Metadata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_tables_release_1-7-10 upgrade_tables_release_1-7-11 upgrade_tables_release_1-7-12

In the PMdata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_pm_tables_release_1-7-10 upgrade_pm_tables_release_1-7-11 upgrade_pm_tables_release_1-7-12


In the Crcdata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_table_release_1-7-11 upgrade_table_release_1-7-12

In the Hivedata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_hive_tables_release_1-7-11 upgrade_hive_tables_release_1-7-12

In the Metadata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_tables_release_1-7-11 upgrade_tables_release_1-7-12

In the PMdata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_pm_tables_release_1-7-11 upgrade_pm_tables_release_1-7-12


In the Crcdata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_table_release_1-7-12

In the Hivedata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_hive_tables_release_1-7-12

In the Metadata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_tables_release_1-7-12

In the PMdata folder run the following ant command: ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_pm_tables_release_1-7-12


Database Drivers

The JDBC drivers were updated to the following versions.





New Version

Oracle 21.5

PostgreSQL 42.3.2

MS Sql Server 9.2

Supported Db Server versions

Server Type

SQL Server



Supported Version/s

2012+ (tested with up to 2019)

12g+ and 21c

9 to 14

Supported software versions

Application Type



Apache HTD

Apache Ant

Apache Axis2


Supported Version/s

8 or 11


2.4.17 or higher or higher

Supported Operating Systems


i2b2 Server and Client Changes

New Features and Improvements

Webclient Core-server
  • WEBCLIENT-334 Provide tabs for major plugins and temporal query (READY TO TEST)
  • WEBCLIENT-344 Cleanup Analysis Tools list of Plugins to only Supported Items (READY TO TEST) 
  • WEBCLIENT-325 Wayne's improvements to hierarchical find-by-name (READY TO TEST)
  • WEBCLIENT-343 Veracode security issues in web client(OPEN) ← STILL NEED TO DO
  • WEBCLIENT-353 SAML (client side) (READY TO TEST) 
  • CORE-399 Oracle index hints must use the table alias (RESOLVED)
  • CORE-382 Username / password errors should not specify which had the problem (READY TO TEST)
  • CORE-402 Fix Veracode identified Security flaws in i2b2 Server-Side Code (RESOLVED)
  • CORE-404 Adding support for JDK 11. Now including the gensrc due to jaxb has been removed. (RESOLVED)
  • CORE-413 FetchAllChildren (RESOLVED)
  • CORE-414 SAML (server side) (READY TO TEST)
  • CORE-415 Log4j upgraded to v2  (RESOLVED)
  • CORE-416 User parameter precedence change (contributed by Michael Horvath) (RESOLVED)
  • CORE-417 LDAP UPN support (contributed by Michael Horvath) (RESOLVED)

Bug Fixes

Webclient Core-server
  • WEBCLIENT-351 Obfuscated User Not Showing Graph (RESOLVED)
  • WEBCLIENT-342 switch response status check from "OK" to 200 to handle lab value pop up in http/2 protocols  (READY TO TEST)
  • WEBCLIENT-335 temporal query in webclient with no anchoring events not running (RESOLVED)
  • WEBCLIENT-350  Unable to drag items in workplace (READY TO TEST)
  • WEBCLIENT-325 Wayne's improvements to hierarchical find-by-name  (READY TO TEST)
  • WEBCLIENT-319 FindTerms- exceeding more than 200(default) return count - displaying server error (READY TO TEST)
  • WEBCLIENT-294 Webclient Reports "QUERY CANCELLED" While Query Is Still Running (CLOSED)
  • CORE-418 Local timestamps in sessions on Oracle - appserver /db server in diff time zones (READY TO TEST)
  • CORE-282 Error returned when obfuscated user is locked out (READY TO TEST)
  • CORE-281 Query continues to run after user receives lockout message (READY TO TEST)
  • CORE-412 Disable login to agg service account  (RESOLVED)
  • CORE-405 Upgrade JDBC Drivers (RESOLVED)
  • CORE-399 use alias for index hint  (RESOLVED)

i2b2 Database Changes

New Features and Improvements

Database updates
  • DATA-7 QT_PATIENT_SET_ENC_COLLECTION should be a bigint (DONE)
  • DATA-14 Synthea i2b2 data (READY TO TEST)
  • DATA-8 Synthea data load test from Github files (DONE)
  • DATA-6 improve i2b2 db upgrade process (READY TO TEST)
  • DATA-12  Stored procedure to update concept dimension (DONE)
  • DATA-11 Age in years updater during demodata install (RESOLVED)
  • DATA-9 ACT v4 ontology (RESOLVED)
  • DATA-13 Postgres time interval corrections in ACT v4 demographics ontology (RESOLVED)
  • CORE-389 Totalnum performance improvements (RESOLVED)
  • CORE-394 Obfuscated totalnum reporting tables (RESOLVED)
  • CORE-398 Multifact support for totalnums  (READY TO TEST)
  • CORE-400 Show totalnums in top level folders (RESOLVED)

Notes for Developers

For Java 11 install, if you change the xsd (REST API message definitions), then you will need to regenerate gensrc via JAXB in Java 8. In the i2b2-core cell directory for which you're regenerating the XSD-Java, run the ant target "jaxb_gen" on Java 8 and then build as usual using Java 11.

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