i2b2 1.8 introduces a completely rewritten powerful web client query tool and we recommend all users use this. Additionally, we still provide two deprecated clients: the classic web client and a thick client called the i2b2 Workbench.
- i2b2 1.8 Web Client (recommended)
- i2b2 Administration Module (based on the classic Web Client)
- i2b2 Workbench (thick client, deprecated)
- i2b2 Classic Web Client.
Clients 2-4 can be found in the corresponding subsections of this chapter. This chapter will guide you through the installation of the i2b2 Web Client, which is a web-based interface to the i2b2 hive. The web client does not have to be installed on a user's computer. All an i2b2 user needs to run the web client is a web browser. This aids greatly in enterprise-wide roll out of the i2b2 across an institution.
Chapter 7. Table of Contents