Developers Getting Started With i2b2
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Printable version of this worksheet

This checklist is designed to assist you in the installation of the i2b2 Server and Clients. It is organized to coincide with the installation chapters. The items appear in the checklist in the order in which they need to occur during the installation.


This checklist is not a replacement for the i2b2 Installation Guide. The guide itself contains detailed information, important notes and warnings as well as helpful tips.

Installation Overview


Demo / Test / Production / Other   

Version of i2b2:


Domain ID:

Domain Name:

Setup Date:

Setup By:

Installation Order and Resources

Installation Order

Checklist Name

Install Guide Resource

1. System and Software Requirements   

Requirements Checklist

Chapter 2. Requirements

2. Data Installation

Data Checklist

Chapter 3. Data Installation

3. Deploying the server-common

Server-Common Checklist   

Chapter 4. i2b2 Server-Common Install

4. PM Cell Installation

PM Checklist

Chapter 5. Project Management (PM) Cell Install

5. i2b2 Admin Installation

i2b2 Admin Checklist

Chapter 6. i2b2 Administration Module Install

6. i2b2 Web Client Installation

i2b2 Web Client Checklist

Chapter 7. i2b2 Web Client Install

7. i2b2 Workbench Installation

i2b2 Workbench Checklist

Chapter 8. i2b2 Workbench Install

8. ONT Cell Installation

ONT Checklist

Chapter 9. Ontology Management (ONT) Cell Install   

9. CRC Cell Installation

CRC Checklist

Chapter 10. Data Repository (CRC) Cell Install

10. WORK Cell Installation

WORK Checklist

Chapter 11. Workplace (WORK) Cell Install

11. FR Cell Installation

FR Checklist

Chapter 12. File Repository (FR) Cell Install

12. IM Cell Installation

IM Checklist

Chapter 13. Identity Management (IM) Cell Install

13. Setting up i2b2

Initial i2b2 Setup Checklist

Chapter 14. Initial Setup of i2b2 in Admin

Things To Keep In Mind

For the most part the installation of the different i2b2 Core Cells involves steps that are very similar. For instance, they all have a file where you will need to set the jboss.home and properties for the cell you will be deploying.

Based on feedback provided by our users, a common area for confusion and errors seems to be around the configuration of the data sources for each cell. Here are some things to keep in mind that will hopefully eliminate or at least minimize any confusion around defining your datasources.

1. The PM, ONT, CRC, WORK, and IM cells each have a ds.xml file that needs to be updated before deploying the cell. (pm-ds.xml, ont-ds.xml, crc-ds.xml, work-ds.xml, and im-ds.xml)
2. At least two datasources have to be defined in the ds.xml files for the ONT, CRC, WORK, and IM Cells.
  • The BootstrapDS datasource points to the DB_LOOKUP tables that are part of the Hivedata tables.
  • The DemoDS datasource points to the tables for the cell you are configuring.

3. The PM Cell has only one datasource (PMBootsrapDS) defined and it points to the location of the Pmdata tables.


Depending on how you have setup your database environment the Pmdata tables may or may not be in the same location as your Hivedata tables.

4. The <connection-url> for every <datasource> defined in each ds.xml file needs to be updated with information that is specific to your environment.
  • Update the <connection-url> with the correct JDBC information for your type of database.
  • The address in the URL needs to point to either the location of your hivedata tables (BootstratpDS) or the tables for your cell (DemoDS).
5. The <driver-class> and <driver> for each <datasource> needs to be defined correctly for the type of database you are connecting to.


Depending on your environment, the default of localhost may not be appropriate for you. Some systems require the I.P. address instead of the alias name.

6. The <username> and <password> for each <datasource> needs to match the database users you setup during the data installation.
The following table shows the usernames and passwords for the i2b2 demo environment.

Data Package   

Cell Owner

Database /
Schema Name   

User Name



Data Repository (CRC)





Project Management (PM)





Identity Management (IM)





Ontology Management (ONT)   





Project Management (PM)





Workplace (WORK)





Obviously the passwords and possible the usernames will be different for those databases that contain your real patient data. The Install Worksheet (Appendix A) can be used to document and organize the settings for your environment. The worksheet is particularly useful if you are setting up multiple environments and need to keep track of the settings for each environment.

7. Multiple projects with different data sources.
  • Need to add an additional <datasource> section for each project data source.
  • In addition to updating the connection-url, drivers and database user information you also need to update both the jndi-name and pool-name to reflect the name of the other projects.


Any changes made to a cell's ds.xml file after it has been deployed will require you to re-deploy the cell in order for the changes to take effect.

In addition to the ds.xml files, several cells have additional "data configurations" defined in their property files. These additional data configurations are typically defining the schema / database name and location of your Hivedata tables so the cells can lookup relevant information.

Installation Checklists

Requirements Checklist


File Name or Comment


Database Requirements

Installed a Database Management System supported by i2b2

Oracle / PostgreSQL / SQLServer

Browser Requirements

Installed a web browser supported by i2b2

Firefox / Internet Explorer / Safari

i2b2 Server Requirements

Installed Java JDK 8.0 on your i2b2 Server

Installed WildFly 17.0.0 Application Server on your i2b2 Server

Set WildFly logging level to INFO

Documented WildFly port; if other than 9090 then install scripts have to be updated

Setup WildFly to run as either a Linux or Windows service

Installed Apache Ant 1.9.6 on your i2b2 Server

Installed Apache Axis2 1.6.2 on your i2b2 Server

Set your system environment variables on your i2b2 Server

Web Server Requirements

Installed/Configured cURL on your web server

Only required for Linux Machines

Installed IIS on your web server

Only required for Windows Machines

Installed Php: Hypertext Preprocessor on your web server

Required for both Linux and Windows Machines

i2b2 Software Requirements

Downloaded zip files from

i2b2 data installation scripts

i2b2 core source code

i2b2 Web Client code

i2b2 Workbench application for Macintosh or Windows

i2b2 VMWare image of the i2b2 Core Server


Data Checklist


File Name or Comment


Extracted the i2b2 data package to a directory of your choice


Created database user accounts for all the i2b2 schemas


Set the database properties

Created the Crcdata tables

Created the stored procedures

Loaded the data into the Crcdata tables

Type of data loaded:
    i2b2 demo data or your local data


Set the database properties

Created the Hivedata tables

Loaded the data into the Hivedata tables

Type of data loaded:
    i2b2 demo data or your local data


Optional Cell

Set the database properties

Created the Imdata tables

Loaded the data into the Imdata tables

Type of data loaded:
    i2b2 demo data or your local data


Set the database properties

Created the Metadata tables

Loaded the data into the Metadata tables

Type of data loaded:
    i2b2 demo data or your local data


Set the database properties

Created the Pmdata tables

Created the PM triggers

Loaded the data into the Pmdata tables

Type of data loaded:
    i2b2 demo data or your local data


Set the database properties

Created the Workdata tables

Loaded the data into the Workdata tables

Type of data loaded:
    i2b2 demo data or your local data

Server-Common Checklist


File Name or Comment


Extracted the i2b2 source code to a directory of your choice


Configured the build properties

Deployed edu.harvard.i2b2.server-common

PM Checklist


File Name or Comment


Configured the PM build properties

Configured the datasources for the PM Cell



Verified the installation of the PM Cell

i2b2 Admin Checklist


The Admin Module and the Web Client each have their own folder that contains the necessary files to run the respective application. Both the admin and webclient folders contain files with similar names which can be a source of confusion. Therefore it is important to make sure you are editing the files in the admin folder and not the ones that reside in the webclient folder.

In addition to the above, you also want to make sure you are editing the admin files in your webserver directory and not the ones that reside in YOUR_I2B2_SRC_DIR.


File Name or Comment


Copied Admin files to your web server directory

Configured the Domain information for your Admin Module

See note at end of this table

Commented out or removed the pre-configured domain of i2b2demo

See note at end of this table

Added the domain information for your environment

i.e. test and production

Verified the installation of the i2b2 Admin


The i2b2 Admin is pre-configured with the following domain information:

The domain is i2b2demo
The URL points to the local PM in your i2b2 demo environment
If you comment out or remove this domain then i2b2 will not work in your demo environment.

i2b2 Web Client Checklist


The Admin Module and the Web Client each have their own folder that contains the necessary files to run the respective application. Both the admin and webclient folders contain files with similar names which can be a source of confusion. Therefore it is important to make sure you are editing the files in the webclient folder and not the ones that reside in the admin folder.

In addition to the above, you also want to make sure you are editing the web client files in your webserver directory and not the ones that reside in YOUR_I2B2_WC_DIR.


File Name or Comment


Extracted the i2b2 Web Client code to a directory of your choice


Copied Web Client files to your web server directory

Configured the Proxy information for your environment

Using the default PHP proxy file that is included with the i2b2 Software

Update security configurations in the PHP proxy

Verified the correct proxy is defined in the Web Client's config file (i2b2_config_data.js)

Not using the default PHP proxy file that is included with the i2b2 Software

Write your own proxy file

Update the urlProxy in the Web Client's config file to reflect the correct proxy (i2b2_config_data.js)

Configured the Domain information for your Web Client

See note at end of this table

Commented out, or removed the default domain of HarvardDemo


Added the i2b2demo domain for your i2b2 demo environment

Added the domain information for your environment

i.e. test and production

Verified the installation of the i2b2 Web Client


The i2b2 Web Client is pre-configured with the following domain information:

The domain is HarvardDemo
The URL points to the public i2b2 in your site
If you comment out or remove this domain then i2b2 Web Client will not be able to connect to the public i2b2 site.

i2b2 Workbench Checklist


File Name or Comment


Extracted the i2b2 Workbench files to a directory of your choice


Configured the Workbench properties with the location of your hive

Verified the installation of the i2b2 Workbench

ONT Checklist


File Name or Comment


Configured the Ontology build properties

Configured the Ontology application directory properties

Configured the following Ontology properties

Set the Metadata Schema Name

Location of the Hivedata tables

Set the Project Management Cell Integration Properties

Settings to locate and communicate with the PM Cell

Set the File Management Cell Properties

Settings to locate and communicate with the FRC Cell

Set the CRC Cell Properties

Settings to locate and communicate with the CRC Cell

Set the Ontology Service Account Properties

Set the metadata delimiter property

Configured the data sources for the Ontology Cell


Deployed edu.harvard.i2b2.ontology

Updated the ONT Cell Data in the i2b Admin Module

Verified the installation of the Ontology Cell

CRC Checklist


File Name or Comment


Configured the CRC build properties

Configured the CRC application directory properties

Configured the following CRC Loader properties

Set the File Management Cell Properties

Settings to locate and communicate with the FRC cell

Set the Project Management Cell Properties

Settings to locate and communicate with the PM Cell

Configured the datasource lookups for the CRC Loader


Configured the following CRC properties

Set the Project Management Cell Properties

Settings to locate and communicate with the PM Cell

Set the CRC Datasource Lookup Properties

Location of your hivedata tables and the type of database

Set the Ontology Cell Properties

Settings to locate and communicate with the ONT Cell

Set the CRC Service Account Properties

Set the PDO paging properties

Optional performance property

Set the Analysis plug-in: Queue properties

Optional performance property

Set the Setfinder query: Timeout properties

Optional performance property

Set the Setfinder query: Lockout properties

Optional performance property

Set the Setfinder query: Temp table properties

Optional performance property

Configured the data sources for the CRC Cell


Deployed edu.harvard.i2b2.crc

Updated the CRC Cell Data in the i2b Admin Module

Updated the metadata key in the CRC Tables


Verified the installation of the CRC Cell

WORK Checklist


File Name or Comment


Configured the Workplace build properties

Configured the Workplace application directory properties

Configured the following Workplace properties

Set the Metadata Schema Name

Location of the Hivedata tables

Set the Project Management Cell Integration Properties

Settings to locate and communicate with the PM Cell

Configured the data sources for the Workplace Cell


Deployed edu.harvard.i2b2.workplace

Updated the WORK Cell Data in the i2b Admin Module

Verified the installation of the Workplace Cell

FR Checklist


File Name or Comment


Configured the File Repository build properties

Configured the File Repository application directory properties

Configured the following File Repository properties

Set the Project Management Cell Integration Properties

Settings to locate and communicate with the PM Cell


Updated the FRC Cell Data in the i2b Admin Module

IM Checklist


File Name or Comment


Configured the IM build properties

Configured the IM application directory properties

Configured the following IM properties

Set the Metadata Schema Name

Location of the Hivedata tables

Set the Project Management Cell Properties

Settings to locate and communicate with the PM Cell

Set the Patient in Project Property

Set the EMPI Service Properties

Optional 3rd party EMPI Service

Configured the data sources for the IM Cell



Updated the IM Cell Data in the i2b Admin Module

Initial i2b2 Setup Checklist


File Name or Comment


Hive Data Management

Updated the Help URL for your environment


Verified Domain Name is entered correctly in i2b2 Admin

Defined the type of environment

Cell Data Management

Verified the information for each of your cells is entered correctly; particularly the cell id and cell url

Defined any cell specific parameters

User Management

Entered at least one i2b2 user in i2b2 Admin

Defined any user specific parameters

Project Management

Entered at least one project in i2b2 Admin

Defined any project specific parameters

i.e. Unit Conversion for Numerical Observations or Enable Process Timing

At least one user given access to the project and defined their level of access

Defined any project-user parameters

Setup i2b2 Authentication Method of Active Directory


Added parameter for authentication method

Added parameter for PDC Domain of your NT domain

Added parameter for the connection URL of your NT domain

Setup i2b2 Authentication Method of LDAP


Added parameter for authentication method

Added parameter for the connection URL of your LDAP server

Added parameter for search base

Added parameter for distinguished name

Added parameter for security authentication

Added parameter for ssl

Added parameter for security layer

Added parameter for privacy strength

Added parameter for max buffer

Developers Getting Started With i2b2 getstarted