The following installations must be completed prior to beginning the process of installing the Project Management (PM) Cell.
Excerpt Include |
| 3.0 Prerequisites |
| 3.0 Prerequisites |
nopanel | true |
Excerpt Include |
| 4.1 Prerequisites |
| 4.1 Prerequisites |
nopanel | true |
Excerpt |
i2b2 Server Install Chapter for installing i2b2 Server from binary distribution indent |
| Extract all the i2b2 binary distribution files from the downloaded zip file |
indent |
| Copy the entire wildfly-17.0.1.Final folder from the extracted files to your /opt folder |
indent |
| Configured the datasource files for each cell |
indent |
| Started WildFly Service |
i2b2 Server-common Install Chapter for installing i2b2 Server from source code
indent |
| Extracted all the i2b2 source code to a directory a directory of your choice (YOUR_I2B2_SRC_DIR) |
indent |
| Configured Server-common properties |
indent |
| Deployed edu.harvard.i2b2.server-common |