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  1. 1.6.00 Release Notes

    Age patient breakdown These breakdowns are available when running a query; the user can check the query result type(s) for each of the breakdowns … Tool view, the breakdowns / analysis types for that query will appear in the query status view. Modifiers The ability to use modifiers when querying
    Release ManagementOct 11, 2011
  2. Ontologies 101

    is a coding system for diagnoses - ICD-10-CM. An example of an ICD-10-CM code is “E11” and it identifies the diagnosis of “Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.”  Note … in observation_fact table are identified by concept_cd - typically a code_system:code construct, for example, “ICD10CM:E11” for “Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
    i2b2 Working GroupsMay 27, 2021
  3. Earlier 1.7.x Release Notes

    ="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="/stylesheets/i2b2-wiki.css" /> </head> <body> <h1>Release Highlights</h1> <h2>Release 1.7 … query, type of result returned in the query or a specific patient.</li> <li>The ability to refresh both the Workplace and Previous Queries by clicking
    Release ManagementJun 11, 2019
  4. 712. Query Optimization

    for partitioning. As mentioned in the previous section, the volume of data types can be very heterogeneous, and partitioning can be leveraged e.g. to skip large volumes … that relates to the type of data referenced (e.g. ICD for diagnoses, LAB for lab values). Due to the high volume of distinct concept codes, however, list-based
  5. 7. Workplace

    .   worddav20da271db34ef3beba6eb1b904e87dbf.png 2. Highlight the concept folder( worddav6187b2150700f222f858adae41035596.png ) or other type (concept, modifier, modifier folder … is dependent on how the database is setup. 2. Highlight the folder( worddav6187b2150700f222f858adae41035596.png ) or other type (concept, modifier
    i2b2 Web ClientAug 27, 2019
  6. 1.7.00 Release Notes

    ="The release notes for version 1.7.00 of the i2b2 Software" /> <meta name="keywords" content="i2b2, release, 1.7" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css … type of query introduced in release 1.7. There are two components to these queries that make them a little more complex than the type of queries available
    Release ManagementJul 07, 2014
  7. 1.7.10 Release Notes

    of the i2b2 Software" /> <meta name="keywords" content="i2b2, release, 1.7.10" /> <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="/stylesheets/i2b2 … software. Type of install Where you need to go next Upgrading an existing i2b2 (currently installed at your site) Please go to the  Upgrade Notes
    Release ManagementMay 14, 2018
  8. AUG Email 2011-Apr

    } JavaScript errors: You will need to reference the i2b2 framework such as <script type="text/javascript" src="js-i2b2/i2b2_loader.js"></script … with researchers at our other campus where the topic of QT prolongation arose. I was wondering if people had incorporated any type of ECG data (either QTC from
    i2b2 Academic Users GroupJan 12, 2012
  9. 1.7.02 Release Notes

    for version 1.7.02 of the i2b2 Software" /> <meta name="keywords" content="i2b2, release, 1.7, 1.7.02" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media … -98</a>] - Patient breakdown result types are not working when querying a PostgreSQL database</li> <li>[<a href
    Release ManagementJul 17, 2014
  10. 1.7.05 Release Notes

    ="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="/stylesheets/i2b2-wiki.css" /> </head> <body> <h1 id="rel1705">i2b2 Release 1.7.05</h1> <p class="releaseDate"><b … ="">CORE-98</a>] - Patient breakdown result types are not working when querying a PostgreSQL database</li> <li
    Release ManagementDec 14, 2016