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  1. Optimizing Query Performance with the Ontology Total_Num field

    Introduced in Core i2b2 Version 1.4 © Shawn Murphy 2010 When the set finder algorithm creates an SQL query, it does so one panel at a time.  First … resulting temporary table is used to find the number of patients satisfying the query, or is output as a permanent patient set, or is used immediately for further
    i2b2 Developer's ForumOct 12, 2010
  2. Add Run Query View

    then there are no prerequisites for adding the view to the i2b2 Workbench desktop. Add the Run Query View to the i2b2 Workbench When you first log … through the list of views until you see the Run Query View.   runQueryView_add.png     Click on the OK button. The view will be added
    CRC TesterDec 07, 2012
  3. Setfinder Query - Temp Table Properties

    A simple setfinder query is one that does not use a temp table during the querying process. The ability to not use a temp table will speed up the process of running a query against your database. The maximum number of items that can be in a query without using a temp table is defined in the CRC setfinder query without
  4. Patient Set Query Use Case Scenarios

    Execute a Query and Get Its Results The service queries the data mart using the query definition and generates output based on the result option. Each query … > and if the query did not complete before the wait time specified in the request, it will send a response to the client with a "PENDING" status. The client can
  5. Federated Query Simulations

    Simulations of federated query tools that return aggregate counts, such as SHRINE, by Griffin Weber
  6. Setfinder Query - Timeout Properties

    When a setfinder query is run, the CRC needs to know how long the query should remain in the small, medium or large queue before it will timeout and move on to the next queue. This length of time is defined in the Setfinder JMS Queue transaction timeout properties section of the file. 1
  7. Use Case_ Run a query from Panel Definition

    the Ontology cell with the item key and determine the dimension table to join with the fact table. Save the query panel definition and the generated SQL statements … , the execution of SQL is handled inside a set of queues. At first the query SQL statements will be executed inside a small job queue. If it doesn't complete within
  8. How to Create a Query

    Creating a simple query, executing it and reviewing the results. Step-by-step guide Add the steps involved: Insert your steps. You can also copy and paste or drag and drop images into your instructions.   You may also want to use visual panels to communicate related information, tips or things users
    i2b2 Web ClientJan 07, 2019
  9. Patient Data Object Query Service

    As the name suggests, these queries return patient data objects (PDO) in the response message as specified by the patient set and filter criteria defined in the request message.
  10. PDO Query Use Case Scenarios

    query. output_option The output_option specifies which set of patient data to return. Each of the patient data sections in the output_option has … (patient_ide) and their source value. This input allows the user to query the data via the patient_ide and its source. The PDO service first maps the patient_ide