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Supplied password does not match user password or Username does not exist

Possible Problems and Solutions:

The following table is designed to assist you with troubleshooting this error.

When The Error Message Was Received

Possible Problem(s)

Possible Solution(s)

Received when attempting to log into the i2b2 Web Client or Workbench

  • The user may not be entered into the i2b2 Administration Module.
  • The user may be entering the wrong username and/or password.
  • The user may have their Caps Lock on when entering their username and password.
  • Log into i2b2 Admin and verify the user is setup.
  • Verify they are entering the correct username. Since you are not able to see passwords you can enter a new password for the user after confirming their identity.
  • Verify the user is not typing with the Caps Lock on.

Installation Guide Resources:

The following resources address managing users in the i2b2 Administration Module. This includes adding a new user and editing an existing one.

Resource For...



Logging into i2b2 Admin

i2b2 Administration Module Install

Verify Admin Installation

Managing Users in i2b2 Admin

Initial Setup of i2b2 in Admin

Managing i2b2 Users

Adding a New User

Initial Setup of i2b2 in Admin

Add a New User

Editing an Existing User

Initial Setup of i2b2 in Admin

Edit Existing User