The functionality for when a user views their workplace is described in this section.
User Logs Into i2b2
- The PM returns the roles for a given project
- Role = USER
- A list of all workplaces owned by that USER for the project they are logged into is returned. This list contains TableCd, TableName (
demo, WORKPLACE, etc.)
Returning Root Level Folders For The User And Project
- A key (tableCd) from home workplace table will prepend the node's index string so that subsequent calls can be sent to the appropriate workplace table.
Double Click Root Level Folder
- Query WORKPLACE_ACCESS to perform key to table name translation
- Query returns WORKPLACE_TABLE_NAME to get children of that root node.
- A key from home workplace table will prepend the child node's index string so that subsequent calls can be set to the appropriate workplace table.
Drag A Leaf
- Extract WORK_XML contents (DnD xml) and drag to appropriate drop site.