patient_data |
The root element that holds data from the patient data tables. May contain any number of observation_sets, and none or one patient_set, event_set, concept_set, observer_set, code_set, pid_set, or eid_set. They can occur in any order. |
event_set |
Data from the VISIT_DIMENSION table. |
event |
One row of data from the VISIT_DIMENSION table. |
event_id |
A choice between ENCOUNTER_NUM (if source is HIVE) and ENCOUNTER_ID if another source. As source with "_e" at the end is encrypted. |
patient_id |
A choice between PATIENT_NUM (if source is HIVE) and PATIENT_ID if another source. As source with "_e" at the end is encrypted. |
start_date |
The date-time that the event started. |
end_date |
The date-time that the event ended. |
active_status_cd |
A code to represent the meaning of the date fields above (START_DATE & END_DATE). |
param |
event_blob |
XML data that includes partially structured and unstructured data about a visit. |
concept_set |
Data from the CONCEPT_DIMENSION table. |
concept |
One row of data from the CONCEPT_DIMENSION table. |
concept_path |
concept_cd |
A unique code that represents a concept. |
name_char |
A string name that represents this concept, idea or person. |
concept_blob |
XML data that includes partially structured and unstructured data about a concept. |
observer_set |
Data from the PROVIDER_DIMENSION table. |
observer |
One row of data from the PROVIDER_DIMENSION table. |
observer_path |
observer_cd |
A unique code that represents an observer (provider). |
name_char |
A string name that represents the observer, it could be person or machine. |
observer_blob |
XML data that includes partially structured and unstructured data about an observer. |
code_set |
Data from the CODE_LOOKUP table. |
code |
One row of data from the CODE_LOOKUP table. |
table_cd |
The name of one of the 8 tables represented in the PDO. |
column_cd |
The column name in the table where there code is found. |
code_cd |
The code itself. |
name_char |
The human-readable description of what the code represents. |
pid_set |
Data from the PATIENT_MAPPING table. |
pid |
One set of mappings on a single PATIENT_NUM. |
patient_id |
A choice between PATIENT_NUM (if the source is HIVE) and PATIENT_ID (if another source is defined). A source with "_e" at the end is encrypted. |
patient_map_id |
A PATIENT_ID that should have the same PTIENT_NUM as the PATIENT_ID in the PID. |
eid_set |
Data from the ENCOUNTER_MAPPING table. |
eid |
One set of mappings on a single ENCOUNTER_NUM. |
event_id |
A choice between ENCOUNTER_NUM (if the source is HIVE) and ENCOUNTER_ID (if another source is defined). A source with "_e" at the end is encrypted. |
event_map_id |
An ENCOUNTER_ID that should have the same PATIENT_NUM as the VISIT_ID in this EID. |
observation_set |
observation |
One row of data from the OBSERVATION_FACT table. |
event_id |
A choice between ENCOUNTER_NUM (if the source is HIVE) and ENCOUNTER_ID (if another source is defined). A source with "_e" at the end is encrypted. |
patient_id |
A choice between PATIENT_NUM (if the source is HIVE) and PATIENT_ID (if another source is defined). A source with "_e" at the end is encrypted. |
concept_cd |
A unique code that represents a concept. |
observer_cd |
A unique code that represents an observer (provider). |
start_date |
The date that the observation was made or the observation started. If the date is derived or calculated from another observation (like a report) then the start date is the same as the observation it was derived or calculated from. |
modifier_cd |
The modifier code for a concept or provider. |
valtype_cd |
A code representing whether a value is stored in the TVAL_CHAR, NVAL_NUM, or OBSERVATION_BLOB columns. |
tval_char |
A text value. |
nval_num |
A numerical value. |
valueflag_cd |
A code that represents the type of value present in the NVAL_NUM, the TVAL_CHAR, or OBSERVATION_BLOB columns. |
quantity_num |
The number of observations represented by this fact. |
units_cd |
A textual description of the units associated with a value. |
end_date |
The date that the observation ended. If the date is derived or calculated from another observation (like a report) then the end date is the same as the observation it was derived or calculated from. |
location_cd |
A code representing the hospital associated with this visit. |
confidence_num |
A code or number representing the confidence in the accuracy of the data. |
observation_blob |
XML data that includes partially structured and unstructured data about an observation. |
patient_set |
Data from the PATIENT_DIMENSION table. |
patient |
One row of data from the PATIENT_DIMENSION table. |
patient_id |
A choice between PATIENT_NUM (if the source is HIVE) and PATIENT_ID (if another source is defined). A source with "_e" at the end is encrypted. |
birth_date |
The date-time the patient was born. |
death_date |
The date-time the patient died. |
vital_status_cd |
A code to represent the meaning of the date fields above (BIRTH_DATE & DEATH_DATE). |
param |
patient_blob |
XML data that includes partially structured and unstructured data about a patient. |
annotationGroup |
A group of fields that appear together at the end of all tables and store annotation or administrative information. |
update_date |
The date the data was last updated according to the source system from which the data was obtained. If the source system dos not supply this data, it defaults to the DOWNLOAD_DATE. |
download_date |
The date the data was obtained from the source system. If the data is derived or calculated from other data then the DOWNLOAD_DATE is the date of the calculation. |
import_date |
The date the data is placed into the table of the data mart. |
sourcesystem_cd |
A code representing the source system that provided the data. |
upload_id |
A tracking number assigned to any file uploaded. |