Possible Problems and Solutions:
The following table is designed to assist you with troubleshooting this error.
When The Error Message Was Received |
Possible Problem(s) |
Possible Solution(s) |
Received the message in one of the following views:
- Query Tool
- Previous Queries
The CRC cell may be having a problem connecting to the i2b2 database due to one of the following reasons:
- The data in CRC_DB_LOOKUP table may be incorrect.
- The datasources may not be configured correctly in the CRC configuration files.
- In the CRC_DB_LOOKUP table, verify the correct information for your datasource is entered in the C_DB_DATASOURCE column.
- Revisit the following CRC configuration files to verify your datasources are defined correctly:
- CRCLoaderApplicationContext.xml
- edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.loader.properties
- crc.properties (Data Source Lookup)
- crc-ds.xml
Received the message in one of the following views:
- Navigation Terms
- Find Terms
- Edit Terms
The Ontology cell may be having a problem connecting to the i2b2 database due to one of the following reasons:
- The data in one of the following tables may be incorrect:
- The datasources may not be configured correctly in the Ontology configuration files.
- In the ONT_DB_LOOKUP table, verify the correct information for your datasource is entered in the C_DB_DATASOURCE column.
- In the TABLE_ACCESS table, verify the correct information is entered in the C_TABLE_NAME and C_FULLNAME columns.
- The C_TABLE_NAME is the name of your metadata table that contains your ontology. In i2b2demo this is I2B2.
- The data in C_FULLNAME should match the C_FULLNAME column in the corresponding metadata table.
- Revisit the following Ontology configuration files to verify your datasources are defined correctly.
- ontology.properties (Bootstrap METADATA schema name)
- ont-ds.xml
Received the message in one of the following views:
The Workplace cell may be having a problem connecting to the i2b2 database due to one of the following reasons:
- The data in WORK_DB_LOOKUP table may be incorrect.
- The datasources may not be configured correctly in the Workplace configuration files.
- In the WORK_DB_LOOKUP table, verify the correct information for your datasource is entered in the C_DB_DATASOURCE column.
- Revisit the following Workplace configuration files to verify your datasources are defined correctly.
- workplace.properties (METADATA schema name)
- work-ds.xml
Installation Guide Resources:
The following resources address configuring the i2b2Workbench.properties file and how to access it on either a Macintosh or Windows machine.