Health Ontology Mapper
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OntoMapper Test Data and Regression Tests Agenda


Test Requirements

OntoMapper test use cases based on the 3 rule types:

1)      single (point) value

2)      single row (column?)

3)      matrix

     Matched all 3 rules type to Avandia use case

     Need to develop test data to reflect instances that suffice the use cases and the Avandia scenario.

Use case artifacts /parameters

1)      Single points:  any one of the factors out of the matrix

a)      Positive history of CHD

b)      Age

c)       Gender

d)      Positive history of menopause

e)      Total Cholesterol (mg/dL)

f)        HDL Cholesterol (mg/dL)

g)      Positive history of  Diabetes

h)      Current Smoker

i)         Systolic Blood Pressure

j)         Current Alcohol Drinker

k)       Triglycerides

l)         Currently taking BP Medications?

2)      Array: Range of ages(?)

3)      Matrix: D’Agostino instrument


Proposed Next Steps

1)      Review Mark’s fake data spreadsheet to derive a range of values for each element

2)      Prepare data sets?










Title : The Impact of Avandia® and Other Similar Glycemic Controlling Medications on Cases of Myocardial Infarction (MI)

Description : This is a comparative study to determine if there is an impact on cases of MI and using different types of glycemic controlling drugs such as Avandia, frequently used to control diabetes. A clinical investigator would like to search the available clinical data and compare the use of Avandia and similar drugs on the occurrence of myocardial infarctions (MI).

Assumption : The IDR includes documented cases of MI and the intake of Avandia or other similar therapeutic agents and there is no availability to directly link medication data to disease state.

Data Plan : The Clinical Investigator submits the request specifically naming all drugs and the disease outcome codes under investigation, plus any additional data points needed for the planned aggregated data analyses.

Research Requirements : Sufficiently complete medication data and accurate disease status data are available in IDR to perform the comparative analyses, including the availability of de-identified demographic information and co-morbidities for stratifaction and adjustment purposes. The extracted data needs to be converted and delivered in a format specified by the investigator.*

Conclusion : The Clinical Investigator obtains an aggregated de-identified data set regarding clinical trials or any patient encounters on the use of Avandia and similar medications with any association related to MI. The data set is composed of variables from the IDR which are derived from electronic health record data, clinical trials data and medication data

Alternate Conclusion : Some of the requested therapeutic data are not available at all or incomplete. Based on the specific output results the investigator re-assesses and re-defines the original scientific research plan.


