i2b2 Web Client
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i2b2 Web Client webclient

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MPL 2.0 License

i2b2 has changed from a private non-standard Open Source license to one of the public licenses, the MPL 2.0 License.  With this change, it will be more conducive to contributions from the Community to the i2b2 platform in the future.  

Due to the nature of the i2b2 platform and its uses, these is an addendum added to the standard MPL 2.0 license:  Healthcare Disclaimer Addendum to the i2b2 MPL 2.0 License.

The MPL 2.0 license can be found at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

The Healthcare Disclaimer is listed below.

Healthcare Disclaimer

In the United States, or any other jurisdictions where they may apply, the following additional disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability are hereby incorporated into the terms and conditions of MPL 2.0:


i2b2 Web Client webclient