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i2b2 Release 1.7.11

Release Date: February 27 March 6, 2019

Release Summary

Release 1.7.11 contains several new enhancements to the i2b2 kernel, many of which improve the usability of the i2b2 WebClient. We have included a new Identified Data Plan for PHI data and have a license model.


  • i2b2 Database
  • i2b2 Server (kernel)
  • i2b2 Web Client

Database Drivers

The JDBC drivers were updated to the following versions.


Feature Details - Release 1.7.11

New Feature: Role-based Ontology Protection


i2b2_LABSi2b2N1\i2b2\Labtests\Laboratory Tests...null
i2b2_PHIi2b2phiY1\i2b2\PHI\PHI Demonstration...DATA_PROT

New Feature: Workplace Folder drag and drop

Now you can drag a workplace folder to the query tool, the folder can contain sub folders.   All the concepts, previous queries, and individual patients will be displayed in the panel.

Below is the workplace with combination of available items

Image Added                    

After the drag and drop to the query panel the list of all the items are displayed

Image Added

New Feature: Individual Patient drag and drop from Previous Query Panel

Once a patient set is created, that patient can be dragged and dropped to the Query Tool Panel

Below is a patient set with 2 patients

Image Added

After drag and drop of the individual patient to the query tool panel

Image Added

New Feature: Previous Queries Upgrade in Web Client


The i2b2 software now officially supports WildFly 14. The primary advantages are the faster install/upgrade of i2b2 as a pre-packaged collection (WAR) and managed data source connections/pooling.

New Feature: Inter-CELL SSL Setup

Create server and client certificates (Wildfly 10 & 14)

The keytool utility stores the keys and certificates in a file termed as keystore, a repository of certificates used for identifying a client or a server. Typically, a keystore contains one client or one server's identity, which are protected by using a password.

Create a Self Signed Certificate

You can create a certificate for your server using the following command:


$ keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keystore server.keystore -storepass secret -keypass secret -validity 365  -dname "cn=Partners Healtbcare,o=Partners,c=US"

Now let's copy this keystore into the configuration folder of the application server:


$ cp server.keystore $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration

Now export the server certificate in a file called server.crt:



$ keytool -exportcert -keystore server.keystore -storepass secret -keypass secret -file server.crt

Certificate stored in file <server.crt>

Now import the cert into the CA for the Java JRE:


$ keytool -import -alias i2b2server -keystore  /usr/java/latest/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file server.crt


The password might be changeit


In /opt/{wildfly} in bin run to create user and select (a) management user


Wildfly 10 Setup

In Wildfly 10 run


Connect to the server



Start by creating a Security Realm which will contain the keystore and trustore references



Next, for one-way SSL, set the path to the keystore, along with the keystore path and password:


/core-service=management/security-realm=SSLRealm/server-identity=ssl:adJavathe2d(keystore-path="server.keystore", keystore-relative-to="jboss.server.config.dir", keystore-password="secret")

Finally, set the value of Undertow's https listener to your Security Realm:



If the above fails edit the standalone.xml and add right after http-listener


                <https-listener name="default-https" security-realm="SSLRealm" socket-binding="https"/>

Wildfly 14 Setup

In Wildfly 14 run


Connect to the server



Finally, set the value of Undertow's https listener to your Security Realm:





 Both Wildfly 10 and 14

Add the following to the axis2.xml file right after the   <transportReceiver name="http"


   <transportReceiver name="https"


Change the, and files to point to the https://localhost:8443

Database Changes

Change all the pm_cell_data within the PM Database to https://localhost:8443

Image Added

After all the cells have been updated it should look like below.

Image Added

Webclient Changes

Webclient, if using self-signed cert add the following to the index.php

        curl_setopt($proxyRequest, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);

        curl_setopt($proxyRequest, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);


Also into the index.php add the new url to the whitelist such as:


$WHITELIST = array(

        "http" . (($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == '443') ? 's' : '' ) . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],










Updated: i2b2 License

The i2b2 software is now made available under the terms of the Mozilla Public License (MPL) version 2.0. i2b2 is also distributed under the terms of the Healthcare Disclaimer addendum.
