Server (Cells) Design
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Server (Cells) Design ServerSideDesign

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A locution or word given to represent a number of different items in the i2b2 realm. These items can include terms, providers and codes from standardized coding systems.


Clinical Research Chart. Also referred to as the Data Repository Cell.

Drag and Drop

Phrase used to describe the action of moving or copying items (queries, patient sets, etc.) from one location to another.
"Drag" is done by clicking on the item to be moved and while holding down the button on the mouse, move the mouse and in essence the item to the area on the screen in which you want to place it.
"Drop" is the action of releasing the button and placing the item in the new location.

Draggable Item

Only certain items can be "dragged" to another location (see drag and drop definition).


This represents a "session' where observations were made. This "session" can involve a patient directly such as a visit to a doctor's office, or it can involve the patient indirectly such as running several tests on a tube of the patient's blood. Encounters, Events, and Visits are al synonyms.


This represents a "session' where observations were made. This "session" can involve a patient directly such as a visit to a doctor's office, or it can involve the patient indirectly such as running several tests on a tube of the patient's blood. Encounters, Events, and Visits are al synonyms.

Group Template

A grouping of query items. It is also known as a panel. See panel for definition.


This is a subsection for a panel in query definition xml. This represents metadata constraints like concept key, concept name, hlevel, modifier, etc.


Natural Language Processing is a core cell in the i2b2 hive. It is an AI service, which extracts different concepts from patient notes.


Observations are collections of phenotypic data and may contain values associated with a concept, such as a value of the systolic blood pressure.

Observation Fact

The observation fact table represents the "fact" table of the RPDR Star Schema. The fact table can contain values associated with the concept, such as a value of the systolic blood pressure.


The individual or item making the observation.


This is one of the sections in the query definition xml. Query Panel encloses a group of query items and contains constraints like inversion and total occurrences.


Patient collection

Patient Data Object

A container of patient's visits, provider and observation facts.

Patient Identifier

A unique code assigned to a patient that links the patient and the clinical data.

Patient Number

An internal number in the CRC that is assigned to the patient. These numbers should not be modified.

Patient Set

A collection of patients which the researcher is interested in for a particular study. Patient set is an ordered collection of patient numbers that should not be modified. The order is the set is maintained all the time.


Patient Identifier. See Patient Identifier for definition.


Patient Data Object. See Patient Data Object for definition.

Previous Query

Once a user runs a query it is stored as a "query master" and it becomes the first level on the query tree. These queries can be accessed via the Previous Query View.


Mechanism for getting information from the database. Consists of concepts that are used as the search criteria to specify or narrow the results returned.

Query Definition

Contains all the outer tag information where each group is represented in a query as panels.


This represents a "session' where observations were made. This "session" can involve a patient directly such as a visit to a doctor's office, or it can involve the patient indirectly such as running several tests on a tube of the patient's blood. Encounters, Events, and Visits are al synonyms.


The returned data from a query that is in xml format.

Server (Cells) Design ServerSideDesign