Page History
Concepts | A locution or word given to represent a number of different items in the i2b2 realm. These items can include terms, providers and codes from standardized coding systems. |
CRC | Clinical Research Chart. Also referred to as the Data Repository Cell. |
Drag and Drop | Phrase used to describe the action of moving or copying items (queries, patient sets, etc.) from one location to another. |
Draggable Item | Only certain items can be "dragged" to another location (see drag and drop definition). |
Encounter | This represents a "session' where observations were made. This "session" can involve a patient directly such as a visit to a doctor's office, or it can involve the patient indirectly such as running several tests on a tube of the patient's blood. Encounters, Events, and Visits are al synonyms. |
Events | This represents a "session' where observations were made. This "session" can involve a patient directly such as a visit to a doctor's office, or it can involve the patient indirectly such as running several tests on a tube of the patient's blood. Encounters, Events, and Visits are al synonyms. |
Group Template | A grouping of query items. It is also known as a panel. See panel for definition. |
Item | This is a subsection for a panel in query definition xml. This represents metadata constraints like concept key, concept name, hlevel, modifier, etc. |
NLP | Natural Language Processing is a core cell in the i2b2 hive. It is an AI service, which extracts different concepts from patient notes. |
Observations | Observations are collections of phenotypic data and may contain values associated with a concept, such as a value of the systolic blood pressure. |
Observation Fact | The observation fact table represents the "fact" table of the RPDR Star Schema. The fact table can contain values associated with the concept, such as a value of the systolic blood pressure. |
Observers | The individual or item making the observation. |
Panel | This is one of the sections in the query definition xml. Query Panel encloses a group of query items and contains constraints like inversion and total occurrences. |
patient_coll | Patient collection |
Patient Data Object | A container of patient's visits, provider and observation facts. |
Patient Identifier | A unique code assigned to a patient that links the patient and the clinical data. |
Patient Number | An internal number in the CRC that is assigned to the patient. These numbers should not be modified. |
Patient Set | A collection of patients which the researcher is interested in for a particular study. Patient set is an ordered collection of patient numbers that should not be modified. The order is the set is maintained all the time. |
PID | Patient Identifier. See Patient Identifier for definition. |
PDO | Patient Data Object. See Patient Data Object for definition. |
Previous Query | Once a user runs a query it is stored as a "query master" and it becomes the first level on the query tree. These queries can be accessed via the Previous Query View. |
Query | Mechanism for getting information from the database. Consists of concepts that are used as the search criteria to specify or narrow the results returned. |
Query Definition | Contains all the outer tag information where each group is represented in a query as panels. |
Visit | This represents a "session' where observations were made. This "session" can involve a patient directly such as a visit to a doctor's office, or it can involve the patient indirectly such as running several tests on a tube of the patient's blood. Encounters, Events, and Visits are al synonyms. |
XML_RESULTS | The returned data from a query that is in xml format. |