

Page 52 of 58. Showing 579 results (0.01 seconds)

  1. Modern i2b2 Plugin Development

    (pre-v1.8) to register a DOM element for drag drop operations. To accept a drag drop you need to: 1) register the DOM element for drops of specific SDX types, 2) register a handler function for the drop operation of that specific SDX type. window.addEventListener("I2B2_SDX_READY", (event) => { i2b2.sdx.AttachType
    i2b2 Web ClientJan 16, 2024
  2. AUG Email 2011-Oct

    value indicating the term type. At present there are two values in use: the type 'DOC' indicates terms that represent documents or notes; the type 'LAB' indicates … to debug the issue it won't occur. has anyone seen this type of behavior and if so what is causing it. NEXT EMAIL From: Murphy, Shawn N. Sent: Thursday
    i2b2 Academic Users GroupJan 12, 2012
  3. 1.7.13 Release Notes

    \Release_1-7\NewInstall\Metadata\act\scripts\<db type> folder and create and load ACT4 Ontology metadata tables  You can now verify the new Ontology … Version Oracle 21.5 PostgreSQL 42.3.2 MS Sql Server 9.2 Supported Db Server versions Server Type SQL Server Oracle Postgres
    Release ManagementJan 31, 2023

    A code that represents the type of value present in the NVAL_NUM, the TVAL_CHAR, or OBSERVATION_BLOB columns. quantity_num The number
    Server (Cells) DesignSep 04, 2018
  5. 1.3 Versions

    " /> <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="/stylesheets/i2b2-wiki.css" /> --> </head> <body> <h1 id="intro1.3relNotes">i2b2
    Release ManagementOct 03, 2014
  6. Run Wildfly as a Linux Service

    are connected to the server remotely then you will need to alter the above command to open it with a text editor. Instead of open you would type vi or whatever
  7. 352. Editing

    by typing the search term in the field above the ontologies. Edit_Ontology_3_Searching.png Mapping multiple items All mapping functions done in the Mapping
  8. 344. Import §21 Files

    . for admission type, clinical service) are imported and merged with the dataset to provide a well-structured and human-readable hierarchical representation (see
  9. 1.5 Versions

    , 1.5.05, introduction" /> <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="/stylesheets/i2b2-wiki.css" /> --> </head> <body> <h1 id
    Release ManagementOct 03, 2014
  10. Optimizing Query Performance with the Ontology Total_Num field

    patient numbers.  If many of these types of queries are anticipated, an optimization strategy may include number of encounters for each concept in the total_num
    i2b2 Developer's ForumOct 12, 2010