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  1. AUG Email 2013-Feb

    for discovering patient cohorts after all), and what is needed to make it suitable for structuring and querying #studies types of aggregate information, i.e. suitable for operations research of the type of the CMS radiology study. It is evident that the i2b2 schema is general enough to allow for structuring the information
    i2b2 Academic Users GroupMar 19, 2013
  2. Design_and_Architecture.doc"> <changeSet author="dev" id="1"> <createTable tableName="CTAKES_USER"> <column autoIncrement="true" name="id" type="BIGINT"> <constraints nullable="false" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="PK_User" /> </column> <column name="userName" type="varchar(100)"> <constraints
    NLP cTAKES Project / … / NLP cTakes HomeApr 24, 2012

    Definitions for the i2b2 vocabularies reside in the Ontology Management (ONT) Cell. This cell contains concepts and information about relationships between concepts for the entire hive. It is accessed by other cells to give semantic meaning to data. Vocabularies in the ONT cell are organized in hierarchical
  4. NumberOfStudies_Changes.doc

    Author: Peter R /(viv) Started Date: April 25, 2013 Introduction We have created and integrated in the i2b2 CRC’s a new query result type termed “Number of studies”. This query result type represents the count of the number of distinct encounters, specified in the query interface by the operator. Please refer
  5. etl-i2b2workshop-amia-2020.pdf

    MRN Start- Date Cod e Valu e 1 2010-1-1 GLU 160 2 2010-2-1 GLU 140 3 2010-3-1 GLU 120 4 2010-1-1 DM Path Code Type /Lab/Blood/Blood-glucose GLU integer … 2010-1-1 DM who what when Path Code Type /Lab/Blood/Blood-glucose GLU integer /Diagnosis/Diabetes-Mellitus DM assert *concepts.csv *facts.csv Exercise 4 Path Code
  6. 1.8.1a Release Notes

    for a patient set. The workflow involves breakdowns in the webclient, which allow users to request exports and data managers to generate exports. The export types … \<db type> folder to create and load the metadata tables  From the\Release_1-8\NewInstall\crcdata folder, run the ant command: ant -f
    Release Managementyesterday at 12:03 AM
  7. 346. Import from MDR

    Summary A common problem while integrating data sets from heterogeneous sources in a Data Warehouse is to provide a mapping of data not only on a syntactical level, but also on a semantical level. In i2b2, every instance of an observation_fact has an association to an instance of a concept in concept_dimension. i2b2
  8. I2B2_Webclient_Help_v1_8_1.pdf

    to a particular time frame, number of occurrences or a specific value or range of values. In i2b2, there are several types of constraints that can be defined … . Check one or both of the check boxes to 15 indicate whether there is a begin date (From) or an end date (To) or both. Then type the date directly
    i2b2 Web Client / … / Web Client HelpJun 17, 2024
  9. I2B2_Webclient_Help_Documentation_7_28_23.pdf

    types of constraints that can be defined in the Find Patients view. 1. Group Constraints 1. Date Constraint 16 Setting Date Constraint for the entire Group … date (To) or both. Then type the date directly in the text box or click on the drop-down arrow to open the calendar below to select a date. This will set
  10. AUG2016_Murphy-Mendis.pdf

    Databases with fluid data types from spreadsheets Analytic Results of Patient-specific Calculations Specialized Patient Databases Created by Extracting … and are in Development 3 L a rg e r Greater Specialization Patient Databases of Coded Data Patient Databases with fluid data types from spreadsheets Analytic Results