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  1. Patient Counting Scripts ("totalnum")

    to assist with query building (e.g., to find concepts that have many patients) or be used for data quality (to find areas where patient counts do not make sense). It is also used by the query builder to optimize queries. The ENACT network uses these counts for additional analytics across their network. We recommend you
  2. Overview

    The i2b2 Web Client is an easy to use data query platform that is used by researchers to perform searches on electronic health records. This is done using a simple drag-and-drop interaction where users browse (or search) a list of medical diagnoses and then drag those terms into various areas of a query builder window
  3. Modern i2b2 Plugin Development

    of medical diagnoses and then drag those terms into various areas of a query builder window. The general layout is shown below … . INTRODUCTION TO I2B2 Usage The Informatics for Integrating Biology & the Bedside ("i2b2") project is an easy to use data query and retrieval platform that is used
    i2b2 Web ClientJan 16, 2024
  4. Creating a Query in the Query View

    This section describes the process of adding items to the query tool, "AND" / "OR" operators and setting constraints. Quick Links Creating the Query In order to create your query, you will need to define what information will be retrieved from the databases. Selected items from other i2b2 Web Client views can
    i2b2 Web ClientMar 03, 2019
  5. Running a Query

    This section describes the process of defining the desired out and then running a query. Quick Links Defining the Desired Query Output When you run a query … Client. If selected it will work the same as patient set. The result type(s) will appear when you click on the Run Query button and they can be selected
    i2b2 Web ClientMar 03, 2019
  6. Query timing - ANYtime and SAME visit queries

    Query Timing: ANYtime in Patient History and In SAME Patient Visit Introduced in Core i2b2 Version 1.6 In the 1.6 Release of i2b2 we introduce the idea of "Query Timing". Query Timing is a way of specifying co-occurring events. In the Query Timing used in the i2b2 User Interface up to this release, concepts
    i2b2 Developer's ForumOct 12, 2010
  7. Previous Query View

    The Previous Query view is designed to display the most recent queries run by a user. The results associated to the query are also available for viewing.   This section describes the layout and contents of the Previous Query view. NOTE: There are two types of queries that can be run in the i2b2 Web Client
    i2b2 Web ClientMar 03, 2019
  8. 3. Query Tool

    The Query Tool panel is where queries are constructed and run.  3.1 Layout image2019-5-2_12-25-7.png Panel Options  image2019-5-7_15-56-48.png allow users to (1) view the XML exchange between the client and the i2b2 server (if enabled) , (2) set options for the panel, and (3) resize the panel. Query Name
    i2b2 Web ClientJan 21, 2021
  9. 5. Query Status

    The Query Status panel contains information regarding the state of a query. There are three tabs in this panel.  Show Query Status, Graph Results, and Query Report. To expand the Query Status panel for any of the three tabs, click on the square widget in the upper right corner of the panel. image2019-5-2_15
    i2b2 Web ClientAug 27, 2019
  10. Setfinder Query

    Setfinder queries are used to create a set of patients that satisfy a criteria presented in the query. The setfinder qury is composed of query constraints, a list of panels and its items.