i2b2 Workbench
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The i2b2 Workbench is one of two i2b2 clients available to the i2b2 community.  It is a collection of client-side components that communicate with i2b2 cells and help aggregate their functionality in the the i2b2 Hive. Each workbench component is designed as an Eclipse-based plug-in that interacts with a hive cell; collectively these plugins provide a cohesive entity to tie all the i2b2 cells together.


Some of the key features of the i2b2 Workbench are:
      • Workbench application / executable is available for mac and windows
      • Able to run simple and complex queries using the same Query Tool view
      • Can also run temporal queries, search for patient sets and add common terms and previous queries to your own workspace
      • Results can be displayed in a timeline view that will show the observations for your set of patients in a chronological time frame or
      • Results can be displayed in one of two views:
          • Timeline view: a linear representation of the observations for those patients that met your search criteria. The results will be displayed in chronological order.
          • Analysis view: a graphical representation of several demographic breakdowns for those patient that met your search criteria.
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