Clinical Trender
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Clinical Trender is a plugin/cell still in the alpha stages that allows researchers to follow a cohort and properties of a cohort over time.

View the 2012 AUG poster showing examples of functionality:





Clinical Trender is available from the Google Code project


What the Clinical Trender can do

  • Given a previously identified i2b2 Patient Set, show how that set has grown monthly over several years.
  • Given a previously identified i2b2 Patient Set and an individual concept from the ontology tree, show occurrence distribution over time of that concept in the cohort.
  • Given a previously identified i2b2 Patient Set and an individual concept from the ontology tree, show concept value distribution over time of that concept in the cohort.
  • Concept values will pull from either tval_char or nval_num as defined.


What the Clinical Trender cannot do yet 

  • Analyze multiple concepts or a folder of concepts at once.
  • Analyze concepts that are not traditional concept_dimension queries, this means age calculations and dimensional queries into the patient_dimension, visit_dimension, provider_dimension will cause errors.

Thanks for trying this out.  Please forward any log exceptions or feature requests to, or utilize the project Issues tab.



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