This page contains information about the prefixes used in the naming of the sample i2b2 Test Cases delivered with the CRC Tester plug-in.
Initial Prefixes for All Test Queries
The following are the initial prefixes used for all test cases. They will be used at the beginning of the name for every test case.
SQ = Simple Queries
CQ = Constraint Queries
TQ = Timing Queries
MQ = Modifier Queries
MCQ = Modifier Constraint Queries
QIQ = Query-in-Query
Prefixes Specific to Simple Queries
P + Number = the number of panels in the query
P1 = Single Panel
P2 = Second Panel
P3 = Third Panel
I + Number = the number of items in a panel
I1 = Single Item
I2 = Two Items
I3 = Three Items
Conventions Specific to Constraint Queries (including modifier constraints)
Dt = Date
Ocr = Occurrence
Ex = Exclude
Val = Value
Flg = Flag
A = Abnormal
H = High
L = Low
Enm = Enumerated
SV = Single Enumerated Value
MV= Multiple Enumerated Value
Txt = Text
ST = String Text Value
LG = Large Text Value
Db = Use database operator
Num = Numerical
LT = Less than operator
LTE = Less than or Equal to operator
E = Equals operator
Btw = Between operator
GT = Greater than operator
GTE = Greater than or Equal to operator
Unt = Units
Mix = Mixture of different types of value constraints
Conventions Specific to Timing Queries
Q = Query level timing (Temporal constraint)
P = Panel level timing
A = Any
SV = Same Visit
SI = Same Instance
Table of All Prefixes
Type of Query |
Prefix for Test Case |
Simple Queries |
SQ |
Single panel; Single item |
SQP1I1 |
Single panel; Two items |
SQP1I2 |
Single panel; 5 items |
SQP1I5 |
Single panel; 10 items |
SQP1I10 |
Single panel; 20 items |
SQP1I20 |
Single panel; 50 items |
SQP1I50 |
Two panels; Each panel has 1 item |
SQP1I1P2I1 |
Two panels; Panel 1 has multiple items and panel two has a single item |
SQP1I2P2I1 |
Two panels; Panel 1 has a single item and panel two has multiple items |
SQP1I1P2I2 |
Two panels; Panel 1 has multiple items and panel two has multiple items |
SQP1I2P2I2 |
Follow same naming convention for all panels used and combination of items |
Constraint Queries |
CQ |
Date Constraint |
CQDt |
Number of Occurrences Constraint |
CQOcr |
Exclude Constraint |
CQEx |
Value Constraint – Flag |
CQValFlg |
Value Constraint – Flag, Abnormal |
CQValFlgA |
Value Constraint – Flag, High |
CQValFlgH |
Value Constraint – Flag, Low |
CQValFlgL |
Value Constraint – Enumerated |
CQValEnm |
Value Constraint – Enumerated, single value |
CQValEnmSV |
Value Constraint – Enumerated, multiple values |
CQValEnmMV |
Value Constraint – Text, string |
CQValTxtST |
Value Constraint – Text, large |
CQValTxtLG |
Value Constraint – Text, large, use database operator |
CQValTxtLGDb |
Value Constraint – Numerical |
CQValNum |
Value Constraint – Numerical, Less than operator |
CQValNumLT |
Value Constraint – Numerical, Less than or equal to operator |
Value Constraint – Numerical, Equal to operator |
CQValNumE |
Value Constraint – Numerical, Between operator |
CQValNumBtw |
Value Constraint – Numerical, Greater than operator |
CQValNumGT |
Value Constraint – Numerical, Greater than or Equal to operator |
Value Constraint – Units |
CQValNumUnt |
Timing Query – Any Visit |
Timing Query – Query is same visit; panels are same visit |
Timing Query – Query is same visit; panels are mixed with any and same visit |
Timing Query – Query is same instance; panels are same instance |
Timing Query – Query is same instance; panels are mixed with any and same instance |
Modifier Query |
MQ |
Modifier Value Constraint - |
Modifier Value Constraint – Enumerated |
MCQ ValEnm |
Modifier Value Constraint – Enumerated, single value |
MCQ ValEnmSV |
Modifier Value Constraint – Enumerated, multiple values |
MCQ ValEnmMV |
Modifier Value Constraint – Text, string |
MCQ ValTxtST |
Modifier Value Constraint – Text, large |
MCQ ValTxtLG |
Modifier Value Constraint – Text, large, use database operator |
Modifier Value Constraint – Numerical |
MCQValNum |
Modifier Value Constraint – Numerical, Less than operator |
Modifier Value Constraint – Numerical, Less than or Equal to operator |
Modifier Value Constraint – Numerical, Equal to operator |
MCQValNumE |
Modifier Value Constraint – Numerical, Between operator |
MCQValNumBtw |
Modifier Value Constraint – Numerical, Greater than operator |
Modifier Value Constraint – Numerical, Greater than or Equal to operator |
Modifier Value Constraint – Units |
MCQValNumUnt |