[WEBCLIENT-155] Add 'Delete Temporal Relationship' option to the define order of events screen Created: 09/Dec/15  Updated: 25/Jan/16  Resolved: 15/Dec/15

Status: Closed
Project: i2b2 Web Client
Component/s: Web Client
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 1.7.07

Type: Improvement Priority: Major
Reporter: Reeta Metta Assignee: Janice Donahoe
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: None
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified

Affects View/s:
Query Tool
i2b2 Feature/s:
Temporal Queries
Testing Notes: TEST STATUS: Completed


Test Date: 12/10/2015
Build Number:1.7.07
Test Status: Completed (Passed Testing)
Clients Tested :
     i2b2 Web Client
 Environments Tested :
     Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari
     Databases: Not applicable for this test
     Client OS: Windows, Mac
Test Comments:None

Currently in the i2b2 Web Client, there is no way to delete a temporal relationship. If a user wants to remove a temporal relationship they have to clear the entire temporal query and start over again.

In Release 1.7.07 we have made an improvement to the temporal queries by allowing users to delete a temporal relationship. A new button will display at the bottom of the temporal relationship page. This button will appear next to the existing "Add Temporal Relationship" button. This new button will have the following text: "Remove Last Temporal Relationship"


* When you click on the "Remove Last Temporal Relationship" button, the temporal relationship that is last in your list of relationships defined will be deleted.
* You can continue to click the "Remove..." button until the Relationship you want removed is deleted.

IMPORTANT: In order for Temporal Queries to work at least one relationship has to be defined. So the "Remove..." button will not work if there is only one relationship defined.

Comment by Nich [ 14/Dec/15 ]
This is implemented in 1.7.07
Comment by Janice Donahoe [ 25/Jan/16 ]
On 01/22/2016, the 1.7.07 Release was made available at the following locations.

 - zip files for release 1.7.07 are available on this site. This includes both the code and documentation.

 - source code has been tagged with v1.7.07.
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