Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Find (Previous Queries)
Find Previous Queries
i2b2 Web Client
In the new Find for Previous Queries you are not able to do a search if "Any Category" is selected. The following error is returned in the XML message received from the CRC.
<condition type="ERROR">PreparedStatementCallback; invalid ResultSet access for SQL [select * from ( select query_master_id,name,user_id,group_id,create_date,delete_date,null as request_xml,delete_flag,generated_sql, null as i2b2_request_xml, master_type_cd, null as plugin_id from i2b2demodata.qt_query_master where LOWER(name) like ? and delete_flag = ? order by create_date desc ) where rownum <= 20]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index</condition>
If the user must select a category to perform a search then Any Category should not be available for selection. It can appear as a label so users know they need to select something.
A separate issue will be submitted to address the fact that the user never receives an error message. The only way to know there is an error is to look at the xml messages.
<condition type="ERROR">PreparedStatementCallback; invalid ResultSet access for SQL [select * from ( select query_master_id,name,user_id,group_id,create_date,delete_date,null as request_xml,delete_flag,generated_sql, null as i2b2_request_xml, master_type_cd, null as plugin_id from i2b2demodata.qt_query_master where LOWER(name) like ? and delete_flag = ? order by create_date desc ) where rownum <= 20]; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column index</condition>
If the user must select a category to perform a search then Any Category should not be available for selection. It can appear as a label so users know they need to select something.
A separate issue will be submitted to address the fact that the user never receives an error message. The only way to know there is an error is to look at the xml messages.
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WEBCLIENT-80 New view: Find Previous Queries
- Closed