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  1. i2b2 Web Client

Timeline plug-in doesn't display correct labels if one of the concepts listed doesn't have any data to display



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.4.00, 1.5.00-RC1, 1.5.00, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.6.00-RC1, 1.6.00-RC2
    • 1.6.00
    • Web Client
    • None
    • Occurs on all supported web browsers (I.E., Firefox & Safari)
    • Timeline View


      In the timeline plug-in the concept names that display are not always matching the results (ticks).

      If there is only one concept defined and it does not have any data to display then the concept does not appear in the timeline. What will display is a list of patients with their demographic data (ex.: Person_#1000000001__Female__24yrold__Black)

      The problem comes in to play when there are multiple concepts defined AND at least one of them does not have any data to display. The concept with no data to display will still appear in the timeline while the one with the data will not appear. The data appears with the wrong label.


      Scenario 1:
      Concept1 has NO data to display
      Concept2 has data to display

      In the timeline, the name of the Concept1 will display with the data for Concept2. The name of Concept 2 does not appear.

      Scenario 2:
      Concept1 has data to display
      Concept2 has NO data to display

      Everything displays correctly in the timeline. Concept1 appears with its data and Concept2 does not appear at all.

      Scenario 3:
      Concept1 has data to display
      Concept2 has NO data to display
      Concept3 has data to display

      The problem in this scenario is the name of Concept2 will display with the data for Concept3. The name of Concept3 does not appear at all.

      note: concept1 and its data appear correctly.


      note: using i2b2 demo data to reproduce

      1. Run a query using the "Respiratory Systems" concept (folder).
      2. Open the Timeline plug-in located in the Analysis Tools section of the WebClient.
      3. Drag the patient set from Previous Queries to the Patient Set box located on the Specify Data tab of the timeline.
      4. Drag the "Respiratory Systems" concept (folder) from Navigate Terms to the Concept(s) box located on the Specify Data tab of the timeline.
      5. Click on the View Results tab.
      6. Notice the timeline displays the results correctly.
      7. Go back to the Specify Data tab.
      8. Drag the "Benign neoplasm of breast" to the concept(s) box.
      9. The new concept added will automatically go to the top of the list as they are sorted alphabetically.
      10. Click on the View Results tab.
      11. Notice the following problems:
               - only concept that appears is "Benign neoplasm of breast";
               - "Respiratory Systems" is missing from the display";
               - Tick marks will appear in the timeline next to "Benign neoplasm..." even though there are no patients in the i2b2 demo data database that have an observation_fact with this concept. These tick marks are for the concepts associated to "Respiratory Systems".

      12. Go back to the Specify Data tab.
      13. Click on Respiratory Systems to remove it from the list of concepts.
      14. In Navigate Terms expand the Respiratory Systems folder and the Chronic obstructive diseases folder to display the Asthma folder.
      15. Drag the Asthma concept (folder) to the Concept(s) box located on the Specify Data tab of the timeline.
      16. Click on the View Results tab.
      17. Notice the following:
             - only Asthma displays with the correct ticks next to it.
             - Benign neoplasm of breast does not appear because there is no relevant data to display.

      18. Go back to the Specify Data tab.
      19. Add the concept "Benign neoplasm of skin" from either the Navigate or Find Terms views.
      20. Click on the View Results tab.
      21. Notice the following problems:
             - Asthma concept appears with the correct tick marks.
             - Benign neoplasm of the breast concept now appears in the list with a tick mark. The tick mark is really associated to the Benign neoplasm of the skin concept.
             - Benign neoplasm of the skin does not appear in the timeline even though there are 33 patients with associated observation_facts for this concept.





            mem61 Mike Mendis
            jmd86 Janice Donahoe
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue

