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  1. i2b2 Web Client
  2. WEBCLIENT-101

Date picker calendar does not close unless you choose a date



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.7.05
    • 1.7.05
    • Web Client
    • None
    • Query Tool
    • Constraints - Date
    • i2b2 Web Client
    • All Web Browsers
    • Hide
      This can be reproduced in the i2b2 development and test environments.


      1. Drag an item to a panel in the Query Tool.
      2. Click on Dates in the panel heading.
      3. The date constraint window will open.
      4. Click on the check box for either the From or To date.
      5. Click on the down arrow to open the calendar.
      6. Click on any area outside the calendar.
      7. Notice the calendar does not close.
      8. Click on the cancel button to close the date constraint window.
      9. Notice the calendar remains when the constraint window closes.
      10. The only way to close the calendar is to click on a date.
      This can be reproduced in the i2b2 development and test environments. STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1. Drag an item to a panel in the Query Tool. 2. Click on Dates in the panel heading. 3. The date constraint window will open. 4. Click on the check box for either the From or To date. 5. Click on the down arrow to open the calendar. 6. Click on any area outside the calendar. 7. Notice the calendar does not close. 8. Click on the cancel button to close the date constraint window. 9. Notice the calendar remains when the constraint window closes. 10. The only way to close the calendar is to click on a date.
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      Test Date: 04/09/2015
      Build Number:
      Test Status: Failed

      Test Comments:
      Tested with the latest web client build and it is not working correctly. Now you can’t set a date constraint because the Date Constraint window does not open when you click on “Dates”.

      Clients Tested :
           i2b2 Web Client

      Environments Tested :
           Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari
           Databases: Not applicable for this test
           Client OS: Mac OS and Windows

      Test Date: 04/09/2015
      Build Number:
      Test Status: Passed

      Test Comments:
      Tested with the latest web client build and it appears to be working correctly. The calendar will now close when you click on Cancel or any area outside the window. I am able to set a date constraint, run a query with a date constraint and use a previous query with a date constraint.

      Clients Tested :
           i2b2 Web Client

      Environments Tested :
           Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari
           Databases: Not applicable for this test
           Client OS: Mac OS and Windows
      Test Date: 04/09/2015 Build Number: Test Status: Failed Test Comments: Tested with the latest web client build and it is not working correctly. Now you can’t set a date constraint because the Date Constraint window does not open when you click on “Dates”. Clients Tested :      i2b2 Web Client Environments Tested :      Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari      Databases: Not applicable for this test      Client OS: Mac OS and Windows +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Test Date: 04/09/2015 Build Number: Test Status: Passed Test Comments: Tested with the latest web client build and it appears to be working correctly. The calendar will now close when you click on Cancel or any area outside the window. I am able to set a date constraint, run a query with a date constraint and use a previous query with a date constraint. Clients Tested :      i2b2 Web Client Environments Tested :      Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari      Databases: Not applicable for this test      Client OS: Mac OS and Windows


      In the query tool when you set a date constraint you have the option of manually typing in a date or selecting a date from the calendar. The problem is if you open the calendar by clicking on the down arrow the calendar will not close until you click on a date.

      In previous versions of i2b2 (1.7.04) you can open the calendar and then click on an area outside of the calendar to close it.

      Users should not be forced to click on a date to close the calendar.




            jmd86 Janice Donahoe
            jmd86 Janice Donahoe
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

