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  1. i2b2 Core Software
  2. CORE-309

Add includeHiddens attribute for all calls made to the TABLE_ACCESS table


    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 1.7.11
    • None
    • None


      Currently when the Ontology cell queries the TABLE_ACCESS table there is no way to include or exclude hidden records. When multi-fact table is setup, queries against TABLE_ACCESS have taken an extended amount of time and will often time out.

      The option is to add the includeHiddens attribute to all service calls (queries) made to the TABLE_ACCESS table. The boolean value would be:

              true = hiddens will be included
              false = hiddens will not be included in the search

      By default hiddens will not be included in searches ( default="false" ) by the client.

      However, the CRC will default hiddens = true on its internal ONT lookups. This is because hidden terms can be queryable.

      This primarily applies to operation getCodeInfo



          To test:

          Change an existing category in table_access to hidden. (e.g.ICD10 Diagnoses)
          Do a Find by code search for a Diagnoses. I02 Coding system = ICD10
           (Rheumatic chorea) Code should not be found.

          Open options and check off "Show hidden Terms"
          Search again. Term should be found.
          lcp5 Lori Phillips added a comment - To test: Change an existing category in table_access to hidden. (e.g.ICD10 Diagnoses) Do a Find by code search for a Diagnoses. I02 Coding system = ICD10  (Rheumatic chorea) Code should not be found. Open options and check off "Show hidden Terms" Search again. Term should be found.


            rm302 Reeta Metta
            jmd86 Janice Donahoe
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

