Status: Closed
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
1.4.00, 1.5.00
On Fri, 2010-10-29 at 15:42 -0700, Robert Schuff wrote:
> 2. In addition to authenticating against LDAP, we need to also check a web service for investigators' having taken various HIPAA and RCR training. What mechanisms are available for us to hook into the authentication process to accomplish this?
At KUMC, we plan to do something similar, though we plan to do it largely external to i2b2.
But if anybody adds support for this inside i2b2, I'd like to know about it.
> 2. In addition to authenticating against LDAP, we need to also check a web service for investigators' having taken various HIPAA and RCR training. What mechanisms are available for us to hook into the authentication process to accomplish this?
At KUMC, we plan to do something similar, though we plan to do it largely external to i2b2.
But if anybody adds support for this inside i2b2, I'd like to know about it.