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  1. i2b2 Core Software
  2. CORE-17

Implementation of Query Result Type PATIENT_ENCOUNTER_SET



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.4.00
    • 1.5.00
    • CRC Cell
    • None
    • VMware Image Release 1.4-RC2 Final
      Host OS: Fedora 11 32bit
      Client: Simple Axis2 1.1 client
    • Rank:


      I noticed that there was a Result Set type of "PATIENT_ENCOUNTER_SET" that is identified in the QT_QUERY_RESULT_TYPES table. That happens to be something that would could take advantage of here at Cincinnati Childrens. When attempting to use that result type, I received an error "Could not find result name [PATIENT_ENCOUNTER_SET] in the config file". After looking in the source code I saw where the CRCApplicationContext.xml file did not list the PATIENT_ENCOUNTER_SET type in the setFinderResultGeneratorMap list. I then looked for a generator but was unable to find one. So, I created one by mirroring much of the PATIENT_SET result type logic. Other than implementing the SpringDAO and the SetGenerator, I did have to make 1 other modification in order to get the feature to work. Once I implemented the DAO and Generator I found that records were now being populated in the QT_PATIENT_ENC_COLLECTION table, but the encounter_num column was always 0. After digging more, I found that I had to make a change in the QueryToolUtil.generateSQL method to set the dataRequested to "PE" so that the built query would query out both the PATIENT_NUM and ENCOUNTER_NUM values. I did notice that after I made my changes that the PATIENT_COUNT_XML and PATIENTSET result types were reporting the wrong # of patients because of patients with multiple encounters, so I changed that code to select COUNT DISTINCT.

      This feature, when implemented, gives us the ability to look at all the matching patients encounters. When using this feature along with the "query_timing" feature we able to take that a step further and look at all matching patient encounters. Slight but important distinction there.

      I've created a zipfile of my changes and would like to submit them as apart of this feature request. Please let me know how I can submit these changes back to you.




            mem61 Mike Mendis
            jeremy.nix@cchmc.org Jeremy Nix
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

