CRC Tester
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Source ?Package: CRC Test Plug-in Source Code + Test Cases

December 7, 2012


Download the source code for CRC Test Plug-in

The following steps outline how to download the source code for the CRC Test Plug-in.

  1. Click on the name of the file in the above section.
  2. The Download page will open. At this point, if you are not already a registered user you will need to do so. If you are a returning user you can click on the file download link. 

  3. The next step is to review the i2b2 license and choose to either accept or decline.
    1. If you choose to Decline you will be brought back to the main i2b2 Software page.
    2. If you agree with the license click on Accept to continue with the download.
  4. The Save dialog box will open.
  5. Click on the Save button and the zip file will be saved to your Download folder.

    Depending on your browser and it's version you may need to select a target directory to save the zip file.

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