i2b2 Working Groups
i2b2 Working Groups IWG

Pentaho Data Integration ( ETL ) a.k.a Kettle - https://github.com/pentaho/pentaho-kettle

 Kettle scripts (Pentaho data-integration)
•Original tranSMART ETL method
•Scripts to manipulate data
•Pivot input files
•Load to staging tables
•Invoke stored procedures
•Try to catch errors
•Integrated in other tools
•Transmart-data make targets
•ICE tool GUI

•Developed by Clarivate (formerly Thomson Reuters)
•Validates input files
•Adds new options for clinical data
•Run loads all data types for all studies

•Developed by the Hyve  (Netherlands)
•Replaces stored procedures
•Avoids staging tables
•Designed for performance
•Repeat previous run

SSIS - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/integration-services/sql-server-integration-services?view=sql-server-2017

•Developed by the Microsoft
•Native for SQL Server, plugin for Oracle and ODBC connection for PostgreSQL
•GUI tool with drag and drop, lots of features
•Designed for performance
•Repeat previous run
  • No labels

i2b2 Working Groups IWG