The Data Exporter functionality enables an i2b2 user to request patient data for the patients found by a desired query. In the configured workflow, data is requested and generated through new breakdown types that can be selected in the Run Query dialog. Users will see "data request" breakdowns, which send an e-mail to a predefined data manager requesting a type of data. The data manager (Manager user role) processes the request by rerunning the query with a special "data export" breakdown. The patient data is exported as a file and stored in a specified location for retrieval.
The patient data export types, request options, and file specifications are configured in the database using specific request type entries and configuration parameters in the database.
Data Export Workflow
Request/Export Process
End user logs into webclient and creates a patientset query
Selects a Data Request option and
Click run Query
Email is sent to manager user to run the user request
The manager logs into the webclient and finds the run query by matching the query master id
Manager user then re-runs the previous query and clicks on export. The export option is displayed selected in the Data export breakdown.
Data export runs in the background and file is generated in the folder specified in the HIVE_CELL_PARAM
Manger user manually sends a confirmation email to the user on the file generation and retrieval info.
Data Export Configuration
Design and Architecture
The existing i2b2 breakdown architecture is modified to display breakdowns for the request/Export Options display in the run query dialog corresponding to the entries in the QT_RESULT_TYPE table
Configuring Database Parameters
Request/Export parameters set-up
User request and Manager Export parameters are configured in QT_REULT_TYPE table. VISUAL_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_ID is set to LR for Data request and LX for Data export request
USER_ROLE_CD should be minimum DATA_LDS for Data Request and USER_ROLE_CD should be MANAGER for Data Export Options display.
PATIENT_DEMOGRAPHIC_REQUEST | Request Demographics Data | CATNUM | LR | DATA_LDS | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientRequest |
PATIENT_MEDICATION_REQUEST | Request Medication Data | CATNUM | LR | DATA_LDS | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientRequest |
PATIENT_PROCEDURE_REQUEST | Request Procedure Data | CATNUM | LR | DATA_LDS | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientRequest |
PATIENT_DIAGNOSIS_REQUEST | Request Diagnosis Data | CATNUM | LR | DATA_LDS | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientRequest |
PATIENT_LAB_REQUEST | Request Lab Data | CATNUM | LR | DATA_LDS | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientRequest |
PATIENT_MAPPING_REQUEST | Request Patient Mapping | CATNUM | LR | DATA_LDS | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientRequest |
PATIENT_DEMOGRAPHIC_CSV | Export Demographics Data | CATNUM | LX | MANAGER | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientDownload |
PATIENT_MEDICATION_CSV | Export Medication Data | CATNUM | LX | MANAGER | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientDownload |
PATIENT_PROCEDURE_CSV | Export Procedure Data | CATNUM | LX | MANAGER | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientDownload |
PATIENT_DIAGNOSIS_CSV | Export Diagnosis Data | CATNUM | LX | MANAGER | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientDownload |
PATIENT_LAB_CSV | Export Lab Data | CATNUM | LX | MANAGER | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientDownload |
PATIENT_MAPPING_CSV | Export Patient Mapping | CATNUM | LX | MANAGER | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.QueryResultPatientDownload |
Export file generation prameters set-up
The QT_BREAKDOWN_PATH table has XML file entries with embedded SQL statements for each Request type and details for file content generation
PATIENT_MAPPING_CSV | <?xml version="1.0"?> <ValueExporter> Â <Version>3.02</Version> Â <CreationDateTime>08/09/2024 12:00:00</CreationDateTime> <RequesterEmailLetter>Your request on {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_ID}}}</RequesterEmailLetter> <RequestLetter>This user {{{USER_NAME}}} in project {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_ID}}}. </RequestLetter> <LetterFilename>/{{{USER_NAME}}}/{{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}/Readme.txt</LetterFilename> <Letter> Results of the i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, are available. Important notes about your data: - Total number of patients returned in your data request: {{{PATIENT_COUNT}}} - i2b2 reviewer: Only persons specifically authorized and selected (as listed at the top of this letter) can download these files. If additional user access is needed, please ensure the person is listed on your project IRB protocol and contact the i2b2 team. Specifically: - Remove all PHI from computer, laptop, or mobile device after analysis is completed. - Do NOT share PHI or PII with anyone who is not listed on the IRB protocol. Your guideline for the storage of Protected Health Information can be found at: *To download these files* - You must be logged onto your site These results are the data that was requested under the authority of the Institutional Review Board. The query resulting in this identified patient data is included at the end of this letter. A copy of this letter is kept on file and is available to the IRB in the event of an audit. Thank you, The i2b2 Team </Letter> <Table> <Filename>/{{{USER_NAME}}}/{{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}/PatientMapping.csv</Filename> <Query>SELECT DISTINCT to_char(a.PATIENT_NUM) as "I2B2_PATIENT_NUMBER" ,a.PATIENT_IDE_SOURCE as "PATIENT_SOURCE" ,a.PATIENT_IDE as "PATIENT_IDE" FROM patient_mapping a, {{{DX}}} c where a.patient_num = c.patient_num</Query> <SeparatorCharacter>\t</SeparatorCharacter> </Table> </ValueExporter> |
PATIENT_MEDICATION_CSV | <?xml version="1.0"?> <ValueExporter> Â <Version>3.02</Version> Â <CreationDateTime>08/09/2024 12:00:00</CreationDateTime> <RequesterEmailLetter>Your request on {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_ID}}}</RequesterEmailLetter> <RequestLetter>This user {{{USER_NAME}}} in project {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_ID}}}. </RequestLetter> <LetterFilename>/{{{USER_NAME}}}/{{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}/Readme.txt</LetterFilename> <Letter> Results of the i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, are available. Important notes about your data: - Total number of patients returned in your data request: {{{PATIENT_COUNT}}} - i2b2 reviewer: Only persons specifically authorized and selected (as listed at the top of this letter) can download these files. If additional user access is needed, please ensure the person is listed on your project IRB protocol and contact the i2b2 team. Specifically: - Remove all PHI from computer, laptop, or mobile device after analysis is completed. - Do NOT share PHI or PII with anyone who is not listed on the IRB protocol. Your guideline for the storage of Protected Health Information can be found at: *To download these files* - You must be logged onto your site These results are the data that was requested under the authority of the Institutional Review Board. The query resulting in this identified patient data is included at the end of this letter. A copy of this letter is kept on file and is available to the IRB in the event of an audit. Thank you, The i2b2 Team </Letter> <Table> <Filename>/{{{USER_NAME}}}/{{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}/Medication.csv</Filename> <Query>SELECT to_char(a.PATIENT_NUM) as "I2B2_PATIENT_NUMBER" ,a.start_date as "START_DATE" ,a.start_date as "END_DATE" ,b.name_char as "MEDICATION_NAME" ,b.concept_cd as "NDC_CODE" ,a.units_cd as "UNIT" ,a.quantity_num as "DOSE_QUANTITY" ,a.modifier_cd as "MODIFIER" ,m.name_char as "MODIFIER_NAME" ,a.instance_num as "INSTANCE_NUM" ,a.location_cd as "FACILITY" ,case v.inout_cd when 'O' then 'Outpatient' when 'I' then 'Inpatient' else 'Unknown' end as "ENCOUNTER_TYPE" ,p.name_char as "PROVIDER" ,a.encounter_num as "ENCOUNTER_NUMBER" FROM observation_fact a INNER JOIN concept_dimension b on a.concept_cd = b.concept_cd and b.concept_path like '\i2b2\Medications\%' JOIN {{{DX}}} c on a.patient_num = c.patient_num LEFT OUTER JOIN provider_dimension p on a.provider_id = p.provider_id JOIN visit_dimension v on a.encounter_num = v.encounter_num and a.patient_num = v.patient_num LEFT OUTER JOIN modifier_dimension m on a.modifier_cd = m.modifier_cd</Query> <SeparatorCharacter>\t</SeparatorCharacter> </Table> </ValueExporter> |
PATIENT_PROCEDURE_CSV | <?xml version="1.0"?> <ValueExporter>  <Version>3.02</Version>  <CreationDateTime>08/09/2024 12:00:00</CreationDateTime> <RequesterEmailLetter>Your request on {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_ID}}}</RequesterEmailLetter> <RequestLetter>This user {{{USER_NAME}}} in project {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_ID}}}. </RequestLetter> <LetterFilename>/{{{USER_NAME}}}/{{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}/Readme.txt</LetterFilename> <Letter> Results of the i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, are available. Important notes about your data: - Total number of patients returned in your data request: {{{PATIENT_COUNT}}} - i2b2 reviewer: Only persons specifically authorized and selected (as listed at the top of this letter) can download these files. If additional user access is needed, please ensure the person is listed on your project IRB protocol and contact the i2b2 team. Specifically: - Remove all PHI from computer, laptop, or mobile device after analysis is completed. - Do NOT share PHI or PII with anyone who is not listed on the IRB protocol. Your guideline for the storage of Protected Health Information can be found at: *To download these files* - You must be logged onto your site These results are the data that was requested under the authority of the Institutional Review Board. The query resulting in this identified patient data is included at the end of this letter. A copy of this letter is kept on file and is available to the IRB in the event of an audit. Thank you, The i2b2 Team </Letter> <Table> <Filename>/{{{USER_NAME}}}/{{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}/Procedure.csv</Filename> <Query>SELECT DISTINCT to_char(a.PATIENT_NUM) as "I2B2_PATIENT_NUMBER" ,m.patient_ide as â€PATIENT_ID" ,a.start_date as "START_DATE" ,a.start_date as "END_DATE" ,b.name_char as "PROCEDURE_NAME" ,b.concept_cd as "PROCEDURE_CODE" ,a.quantity_num as "QUANTITY" ,a.modifier_cd as "MODIFIER" ,a.location_cd as "FACILITY" ,case v.inout_cd when 'O' then 'Outpatient' when 'I' then 'Inpatient' else 'Unknown' end as "ENCOUNTER_TYPE" ,p.name_char as "PROVIDER" ,a.encounter_num as "ENCOUNTER_NUMBER" FROM observation_fact a INNER JOIN concept_dimension b on a.concept_cd = b.concept_cd and b.concept_path like '\i2b2\Procedures\%' JOIN {{{DX}}} c on a.patient_num = c.patient_num LEFT OUTER JOIN provider_dimension p on a.provider_id = p.provider_id JOIN visit_dimension v on a.encounter_num = v.encounter_num and a.patient_num = v.patient_num JOIN patient_mapping m on a.patient_num = m.patient_num </Query> <SeparatorCharacter>\t</SeparatorCharacter> </Table> </ValueExporter> |
PATIENT_LAB_CSV | <?xml version="1.0"?> <ValueExporter>  <Version>3.02</Version>  <CreationDateTime>08/09/2024 12:00:00</CreationDateTime> <RequesterEmailLetter>Your request on {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_ID}}}</RequesterEmailLetter> <RequestLetter>This user {{{USER_NAME}}} in project {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_ID}}}. </RequestLetter> <LetterFilename>/{{{USER_NAME}}}/{{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}/Readme.txt</LetterFilename> <Letter> Results of the i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, are available. Important notes about your data: - Total number of patients returned in your data request: {{{PATIENT_COUNT}}} - i2b2 reviewer: Only persons specifically authorized and selected (as listed at the top of this letter) can download these files. If additional user access is needed, please ensure the person is listed on your project IRB protocol and contact the i2b2 team. Specifically: - Remove all PHI from computer, laptop, or mobile device after analysis is completed. - Do NOT share PHI or PII with anyone who is not listed on the IRB protocol. Your guideline for the storage of Protected Health Information can be found at: *To download these files* - You must be logged onto your site These results are the data that was requested under the authority of the Institutional Review Board. The query resulting in this identified patient data is included at the end of this letter. A copy of this letter is kept on file and is available to the IRB in the event of an audit. Thank you, The i2b2 Team </Letter> <Table> <Filename>/{{{USER_NAME}}}/{{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}/Lab.csv</Filename> <Query>SELECT DISTINCT to_char(a.PATIENT_NUM) as "I2B2_PATIENT_NUMBER" ,m.patient_ide as â€PATIENT_ID" ,a.start_date as "START_DATE" ,a.start_date as "END_DATE" ,b.name_char as "LAB_NAME" ,b.concept_cd as "LAB_CODE" ,case when a.valtype_cd = 'T' then tval_char else to_char(nval_num) end as "LAB_RESULTS" ,a.modifier_cd as "MODIFIER" ,a.location_cd as "FACILITY" ,case v.inout_cd when 'O' then 'Outpatient' when 'I' then 'Inpatient' else 'Unknown' end as "ENCOUNTER_TYPE" ,p.name_char as "PROVIDER" ,a.encounter_num as "ENCOUNTER_NUMBER" FROM observation_fact a INNER JOIN concept_dimension b on a.concept_cd = b.concept_cd and b.concept_path like '\i2b2\Labtests\%' JOIN {{{DX}}} c on a.patient_num = c.patient_num LEFT OUTER JOIN provider_dimension p on a.provider_id = p.provider_id JOIN visit_dimension v on a.encounter_num = v.encounter_num and a.patient_num = v.patient_num JOIN patient_mapping m on a.patient_num = m.patient_num </Query> <SeparatorCharacter>\t</SeparatorCharacter> </Table> </ValueExporter> |
PATIENT_DEMOGRAPHIC_CSV | <?xml version="1.0"?> <ValueExporter> Â <Version>3.02</Version> Â <CreationDateTime>08/09/2024 12:00:00</CreationDateTime> <RequesterEmailLetter>Your request on {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_ID}}}</RequesterEmailLetter> <RequestLetter>This user {{{USER_NAME}}} in project {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_ID}}}. </RequestLetter> <LetterFilename>/{{{USER_NAME}}}/{{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}/Readme.txt</LetterFilename> <Letter> Results of the i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, are available. Important notes about your data: - Total number of patients returned in your data request: {{{PATIENT_COUNT}}} - i2b2 reviewer: Only persons specifically authorized and selected (as listed at the top of this letter) can download these files. If additional user access is needed, please ensure the person is listed on your project IRB protocol and contact the i2b2 team. Specifically: - Remove all PHI from computer, laptop, or mobile device after analysis is completed. - Do NOT share PHI or PII with anyone who is not listed on the IRB protocol. Your guideline for the storage of Protected Health Information can be found at: *To download these files* - You must be logged onto your site These results are the data that was requested under the authority of the Institutional Review Board. The query resulting in this identified patient data is included at the end of this letter. A copy of this letter is kept on file and is available to the IRB in the event of an audit. Thank you, The i2b2 Team </Letter> <Table> <Filename>/{{{USER_NAME}}}/{{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}/Demographics.csv</Filename> <Query>SELECT to_char(a.PATIENT_NUM) as "I2B2_PATIENT_NUMBER" ,a.BIRTH_DATE as "BIRTH_DATE" , a.DEATH_DATE as "DEATH_DATE" ,a.SEX_CD as "GENDER" , a.AGE_IN_YEARS_NUM as "AGE_IN_YEARS" ,a.LANGUAGE_CD as "PRIMARY_SPOKEN_LANGUAGE" ,a.RACE_CD as "RACE" ,a.MARITAL_STATUS_CD as "MARTIAL_STATUS" ,a.RELIGION_CD as "RELIGION" ,a.ZIP_CD as "ZIP_CODE" ,a.STATECITYZIP_PATH as "STATE_CITY_ZIP" ,a.INCOME_CD as "INCOME" ,a.VITAL_STATUS_CD as "VITAL_STATUS" FROM patient_dimension a, {{{DX}}} c where a.patient_num = c.patient_num</Query> <SeparatorCharacter>\t</SeparatorCharacter> </Table> </ValueExporter> |
PATIENT_DIAGNOSIS_CSV | <?xml version="1.0"?> <ValueExporter>  <Version>3.02</Version>  <CreationDateTime>08/09/2024 12:00:00</CreationDateTime> <RequesterEmailLetter>Your request on {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_ID}}}</RequesterEmailLetter> <RequestLetter>This user {{{USER_NAME}}} in project {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_ID}}}. </RequestLetter> <LetterFilename>/{{{USER_NAME}}}/{{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}/Readme.txt</LetterFilename> <Letter> Results of the i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, are available. Important notes about your data: - Total number of patients returned in your data request: {{{PATIENT_COUNT}}} - i2b2 reviewer: Only persons specifically authorized and selected (as listed at the top of this letter) can download these files. If additional user access is needed, please ensure the person is listed on your project IRB protocol and contact the i2b2 team. Specifically: - Remove all PHI from computer, laptop, or mobile device after analysis is completed. - Do NOT share PHI or PII with anyone who is not listed on the IRB protocol. Your guideline for the storage of Protected Health Information can be found at: *To download these files* - You must be logged onto your site These results are the data that was requested under the authority of the Institutional Review Board. The query resulting in this identified patient data is included at the end of this letter. A copy of this letter is kept on file and is available to the IRB in the event of an audit. Thank you, The i2b2 Team </Letter> <Table> <Filename>/{{{USER_NAME}}}/{{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}/Diagnosis.csv</Filename> <Query>SELECT DISTINCT to_char(a.PATIENT_NUM) as "I2B2_PATIENT_NUMBER" ,m.patient_ide as â€PATIENT_ID" ,a.start_date as "START_DATE" ,a.start_date as "END_DATE" ,b.name_char as "DIAGNOSIS_NAME" ,b.concept_cd as "DIAGNOSIS_CODE" ,a.modifier_cd as "MODIFIER" ,a.location_cd as "FACILITY" ,case v.inout_cd when 'O' then 'Outpatient' when 'I' then 'Inpatient' else 'Unknown' end as "ENCOUNTER_TYPE" ,p.name_char as "PROVIDER" ,a.encounter_num as "ENCOUNTER_NUMBER" FROM observation_fact a INNER JOIN concept_dimension b on a.concept_cd = b.concept_cd and b.concept_path like '\i2b2\Diagnoses\%' JOIN {{{DX}}} c on a.patient_num = c.patient_num LEFT OUTER JOIN provider_dimension p on a.provider_id = p.provider_id JOIN visit_dimension v on a.encounter_num = v.encounter_num and a.patient_num = v.patient_num JOIN patient_mapping m on a.patient_num = m.patient_num </Query> <SeparatorCharacter>\t</SeparatorCharacter> </Table> </ValueExporter> |
PATIENT_MEDICATION_REQUEST | <?xml version="1.0"?> <ValueExporter> Â <Version>3.02</Version> Â <CreationDateTime>08/09/2024 12:00:00</CreationDateTime> <RequesterEmailLetter>Your request on {{{PROJECT_MASTER_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}</RequesterEmailLetter> <RequestLetter>This user {{{USER_NAME}}} in project {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}. </RequestLetter> </ValueExporter> |
PATIENT_MAPPING_REQUEST | <?xml version="1.0"?> <ValueExporter> Â <Version>3.02</Version> Â <CreationDateTime>08/09/2024 12:00:00</CreationDateTime> <RequesterEmailLetter>Your request on {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}</RequesterEmailLetter> <RequestLetter>This user {{{USER_NAME}}} in project {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}. </RequestLetter> </ValueExporter> |
PATIENT_PROCEDURE_REQUEST | <?xml version="1.0"?> <ValueExporter> Â <Version>3.02</Version> Â <CreationDateTime>08/09/2024 12:00:00</CreationDateTime> <RequesterEmailLetter>Your request on {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}</RequesterEmailLetter> <RequestLetter>This user {{{USER_NAME}}} in project {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}. </RequestLetter> </ValueExporter> |
PATIENT_LAB_REQUEST | <?xml version="1.0"?> <ValueExporter> Â <Version>3.02</Version> Â <CreationDateTime>08/09/2024 12:00:00</CreationDateTime> <RequesterEmailLetter>Your request on {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}</RequesterEmailLetter> <RequestLetter>This user {{{USER_NAME}}} in project {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}. </RequestLetter> </ValueExporter> |
PATIENT_DEMOGRAPHIC_REQUEST | <?xml version="1.0"?> <ValueExporter> Â <Version>3.02</Version> Â <CreationDateTime>08/09/2024 12:00:00</CreationDateTime> <RequesterEmailLetter>Your request on {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}</RequesterEmailLetter> <RequestLetter>This user {{{USER_NAME}}} in project {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}. </RequestLetter> </ValueExporter> |
PATIENT_DIAGNOSIS_REQUEST | <?xml version="1.0"?> <ValueExporter> Â <Version>3.02</Version> Â <CreationDateTime>08/09/2024 12:00:00</CreationDateTime> <RequesterEmailLetter>Your request on {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}</RequesterEmailLetter> <RequestLetter>This user {{{USER_NAME}}} in project {{{PROJECT_ID}}} requested i2b2 request entitled - "{{{QUERY_NAME}}}", submitted on {{{QUERY_STARTDATE}}}, with the query master of {{{QUERY_MASTER_ID}}}. </RequestLetter> </ValueExporter> |
Export file format parameters set-up
Export File format, location and email server parameters are configurable in the HIVE_CELL_PARAMS
CRC | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.exportcsv.datamanageremail | |
CRC | | |
CRC | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.smtp.port | 25 |
CRC | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.smtp.ssl.enable | FALSE |
CRC | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.smtp.auth | FALSE |
CRC | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.smtp.username | none |
CRC | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.smtp.password | none |
CRC | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.exportcsv.defaultescapecharacter | " |
CRC | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.exportcsv.maxfetchrows | -1 |
CRC | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.exportcsv.defaultlineend | \n |
CRC | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.exportcsv.defaultseperator | \t |
CRC | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.exportcsv.resultfetchsize | 50000 |
CRC | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.exportcsv.filename | /tmp/{{{PROJECT_ID}}}/{{{DATE_yyyyMMdd}}}_{{{FULL_NAME}}}.tsv |
CRC | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.exportcsv.defaultquotechar | " |
CRC | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.exportcsv.workfolder | /tmp/i2b2 |
CRC | edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.exportcsv.zipencryptmethod | none |
Variables for File name entries
Java Changes
include a new breakdown class for the file export process