Workplace Items Sharing Enhancement
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Space Tools
Workplace Items Sharing Enhancement WISE

Researcher's Guide

We have provided a Guide for this plugin to our researchers in University of Massachusetts Medical School. We welcome anyone who may find it useful to the researchers in their own institutions as well.

Workplace Items Not Supported

This plugin does not support the following Workplace items:

  1. Patient Count: The i2b2 web client object drop in framework tends to strip away any descriptive terms and only retains the not-so-descriptive portion (e.g. "PATIENT_COUNT_15"), making it very difficiult to find the original object and fetch its annotation for update. Besides, it is not expected to be of much use or widely shared by the user community any way.
  2. The root (top most) items (e.g. "SHARED"), which cannot be annotated as part of the i2b2 Workplace framework constraint.
  • No labels

Workplace Items Sharing Enhancement WISE