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i2b2 Software Requirements

The "i2b2 Software" is made up of several components that can be downloaded from the i2b2 website. On the i2b2 website these components have been grouped into three main categories:

1. i2b2 Workbench
2. i2b2 VMWare
3. i2b2 Source

Within each of these grouping are the corresponding zip files that can be downloaded. The following tables outline what files need to be downloaded for this installation.

Category: i2b2 Workbench

The latest version of the i2b2 Workbench is available as an executable and can be downloaded from the i2b2 website. There are two versions available for download; you will need to select the one that is appropriate for you. 

Note: i2b2 Workbench for Mac client install  is now part of the i2b2 Workbench VMs



An executable version of i2b2 Workbench that runs on Windows (client only).

Unix VM of the i2b2 Workbench (user version- includes 2b2 Workbench application  for mac)

i2b2WB-VM-lin-src-2001.zipUnix VM of the i2b2 Workbench (developer version- includes i2b2 Workbench application  for mac, i2b2 Workbench source code
and eclipse Neon)
i2b2-workbench- source code for the i2b2 Workbench

Software Release 2.0.01

Workbench documentation

Category: i2b2 VMWare

The i2b2 VMWare is a VM Image of a complete i2b2 Server installed on CentOS. If you do not want to install the i2b2 Server from scratch you can use this VM image to run your instance of i2b2.



i2b2vmware-1713.zipVMWare Image of Core i2b2 Server v1.7.13


Install documentation for using the i2b2 VMWare image.

Category: i2b2 Binary Distribution

Standalone software package  for the  new install  and upgrade .of i2b2 Server and Webclient.



i2b2 Standalone New Install

i2b2 Standalone Upgrade

Category: i2b2 Source

The i2b2 source is a collection of the i2b2 source code for the i2b2 clients and server. The source code can be used to build the i2b2 Server from scratch.




The core source code for the i2b2 server.


The source code for the i2b2 Web Client.


The i2b2 data installation scripts for Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQL Server

All the technical documents for the i2b2 core cells and clients (Workbench & Web Client).

All of the above files are required for this installation and need to be downloaded before continuing with this installation.

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