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Known Issues for i2b2 Version 1.6.08

This document outlines issues that are known to be a problem when installing or running version 1.6.08 of the i2b2 client and server.

Third Party Software

No known issues with third party software.

i2b2 Web Client

Query: Using old "deleted" previous queries will cause web client to crash

The client will hang / crash when you drag a previous query from the workplace to the Query Name in the Query Tool view if the previous query no longer exists (deleted from the database).
We are currently working on the resolution for this issue.

Workplace: Can't add modifiers to workplace

Currently you can not drag a modifier from Navigate or Find Terms views. You will receive an error message saying it is not supported.
We are currently working on the resolution for this issue.

i2b2 Workbench

XML messages with CDATA section do not display in readable format

Although the message itself is correct, the format of the message when displayed in the xml message viewer is not in a format that is easy for users to read. This is only an issue when the CDATA section is included in the xml message being sent from the i2b2 Workbench.
We are currently working on the resolution for this issue.

Query: Text in Set Modifier Value window references LAB tests

The text in the Set Modifier Value window refers to LAB tests instead of modifiers. The constraints are for modifiers and do work correctly. The problem is simply a labeling issue.
We are currently working on the resolution for this issue.

  • This is also an issue in the i2b2 Web Client.

Timeline: Wrong format displays for enum modifier value constraints

The enum value instead of the name is displaying in the set modifier value window and column in the create model for timeline tab. For instance, for the modifier of Medication Frequency, the value of 'BID' is displaying instead of 'Twice per day'.
We are currently working on the resolution for this issue.

  • This is also an issue in the Query Tool view but only in the name that displays in the panel view.

Project Management

Not able to add a project specific cell in the Admin tool

In the Admin tool, users are not able to add a cell that is specific to a project.
We are currently working on the resolution for this issue.

Missing warning about changes not saved when navigate away from page

A warning does not appear when a user navigates away from a page in which changes have not been saved. As a result the user will loose anything that may have been entered.
We are currently working on the resolution for this issue.


The CRC will try to run a query with an old "deleted" query added to the panel

The CRC will continue to queue a query that uses a previous query that has been deleted. This only occurs if the previous query is added to a panel.
We are currently working on the resolution for this issue.


The i2b2 source code is licensed under the i2b2 Software License 2.1. This includes but is not limited to all code in the edu.harvard.i2b2.* package namespace.


Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, Windows Server, and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Mac OS is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc.
Eclipse Europa is a registered trademark of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • No labels

Release Management RM