The SHRINE Connector software has a configuration item for your local SHRINE Adapter URL. This URL accepts service call requests from the SHRINE Connector.
SHRINE URL template
In most cases, your SHRINE URL will be https://your_hostname:6443/shrine/rest/i2b2/admin/request The your_hostname part of the URL is the host name or domain name of the web server where ACT is installed.
In the root folder of the ACT Web Client there is the ACT_config.php file. In here you can edit the shrine_url entry. This entry is where you place your SHRINE URL.
Edit ACT_config.php
return array( 'shrine_url' => 'your_SHRINE_URL_here', 'working_directory' => '/opt/viewer_jobs', 'site_name' => 'Partners', 'debug_logging' => true, 'shrine_connector_logging' => false, 'patient_list_exporter_logging' => false );