
Users can expand or collapse a folder by clicking on the plus sign or negative sign next to the folder icon.

Expand (Open) a Folder

  1. Click on the plus sign () next to the folder in the Workplace view.

  2. The folder will open and all the items in the folder will display.

Collapse (Close) a Folder

  1. Click on the negative sign () next to the folder in the Workplace view.

  2. The folder will close and all the items in the folder will display.

Add a Workplace Folder

  1. Using the right mouse button, click on your user folder in the Workplace view.

  2. A pop-up menu will open.

  3. Select New Folder.

  4. A new window will open

  5. In the text box enter the name you want to be displayed.

  6. Click on the OK button.

The new folder will appear in the Workplace view.

Rename a Folder

Users can easily rename an existing folder.

  1. Using the right mouse button, click on the folder you want to rename.
  2. A pop-up menu will open.

Annotate a Folder

Users can change the default annotation for any of their folders in the Workplace view.  The annotation is what is displayed in the tool tip.

Delete a Folder

Users can remove a folder from the Workplace view.   WARNING:  All items in the folder will be deleted when the folder is removed. It is recommended that you move those items you want to keep to another folder.


Rename Items

Users can easily rename an item in the Workplace view

Annotate Items

Users can change the default annotation for any of the items in their Workplace folder

Delete Items

Users can remove items from the Workplace view

Adding Items to Workplace View

This section describes how to add items to the Workplace vie

Items Draggable to Workplace

Items can be dragged and dropped (copied) into the Workplace view from other views in the i2b2 Web Client.

Folder:  A folder and all its concepts (children) can be added to Workplace by dragging the folder name from one of the following views.

Modifier Folder:  A modifier folder and all its modifiers (children) can be added to Workplaceby dragging the folder name from one of the following views:

Some additional items that can be dropped into the Workplace are listed below and are defined in the Basic i2b2 Terminology section.



Patient Set

Encounter Set

Previous Query

Options for panels

Show options for navigating terms

Resize workspace

Maximum wait for XML return

Refresh Workplace and Previous Queries

Adjust panel widths