Step 1 : Unzip Folders and Files

Unzip the ACT-Webclient folder into a local drive. The directory structure of the folder will look like this:

Step 2 : Working Directory

 A working directory is required to save log files generated by ACT i2b2 plug-ins. User should create this directory on the web server and give write permission to the web server for this directory.

 For example, on the web server  chmod 777 /opt/viewer_jobs

 Details on working directory can be found here : Working Directory 

Step 3 : Update Configuration files


It is a good idea to edit config files locally  and then copy all files to the web server.

To ensure that all the ACT i2b2 plugins work correctly, users must edit the ACT_config.php file according to their own environment. This file can be found right beneath act-webclient. Default config file looks like the following :