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Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership


The legacy i2b2 data model is comprised of a central fact table (observation_fact) surrounded by multiple dimension tables arranged in a star schema.  In the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model (OMOP CDM), rather than a central fact table, we have a collection of them distinguished by domain:  procedures, condition, drug, measurement, observation, etc.  In this project, we modify the CRC to run queries against multiple domain fact tables as dictated by the metadata. 

This software package is designed to run with OMOP version 5.  The sample metadata provided is intended to run queries against the CMS SynPUF 1K data set provided by OMOP (  bottom of page).  It is recommended that users of this software are familiar with OMOP and it is required that the synPUF data is installed. 



For more information about the OMOP project, see