h1. Step 3: Load Metadata Tables

The *third* and *final step* in the metadata installation process is to load the data into the Metadata tables by running the following command:

The metadata provided in the data package is a sampling of terms from various standard coding systems. There data is rather large but it is by no means a complete set of ICD-9, SNOMED, LOINC, or CPT codes.
If you have your own metadata and wish to load it instead of the i2b2 sample metadata you can do it at this point of the installation.


{panel:title=Run Command| borderStyle=solid| borderColor=#ccc| titleBGColor=#C8C8C8| bgColor=#F0F0F0}
*{_}YOUR_ANT_HOME_DIR{_}*\bin\ant.bat \-f data_build.xml db_metadata_load_data

{indent2} <b><i>Example: &nbsp;&nbsp;</i></b>C:\opt\apache-ant-1.8.2\bin\ant.bat -f data_build.xml db_metadata_load_data {indent2}