Release 1.7.12  contains solutions for providing an easier install solution of i2b2, redesigned Find Terms, totalnum counting scripts, new Authentication protocols, and REDCAP import. Also included are  other enhancements to the i2b2 Weblclient, the ACT ontology, and bug fixes

i2b2 Release 1.7.12

Release Date: October 31, 2019

Type of InstallWhere you need to go next

Upgrading an existing i2b2 (currently installed at your site)

Please go to the  Upgrade Notes page for the details about upgrading your i2b2 software.

Upgrading your i2b2 in a SHRINE network

TODO: This needs to be added to this release's notes.
Please read the information in the 
SHRINE Networks section before proceeding.

Installing a new instance of i2b2. (Never installed it before)

We recommend you refer to the i2b2 Installation Guide found on the i2b2 Community Wiki. The install guide will take you through the entire installation process. When finished, browse the Upgrade Notes page for information on configuring new features.

Highlight of Features

Backend Features

TODO: It'd be great to add links to the sections of the release notes that talk about each of these...

Frontend Features

Community-Contributed Features

Contribution Type


ACT Ontology

ACT Technology and Data Harmonization Team

University of Pittsburgh

Easier-to-read counts

Nick Brown and Griffin Weber

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Extended query-by-value flags

Robert Bradford

University of North Carolina

Totalnum in find terms

Mauro Bucalo

University of Pavia

Visual Design of new Find Terms

Leaf Team

University of Washington

New Feature: Enhanced Find Terms

Find terms shows the terms' contextual hierarchy, and terms that are children of other search results are not returned.

Right-clicking on a term and then "Find Term in Tree" shows the entire hierarchy around the selected term.

New Feature: Improved Maximized Left Pane

In maximized mode, the left pane now makes all tabs accessible.

New Feature: Rewritten Webclient Documentation

Included in the client and also on the Webclient Community Wiki page.
