i2b2 Web Client
Space shortcuts
Space Tools
IDCategoryIssue DescriptionCommentsIssue TypePriorityGW-TypeGW-EffortGW-CommentsOwner
1Find Terms ViewTooltips do not display.Bug1 = HighNew3Potential YUI problems--might need to implement as status bar/box text. Extensive changes to implement for all object types.
2Find Terms ViewSynonyms and hidden terms are not color coded. No way to know which terms are synonyms or hidden.Bug1 = HighNew2What colors should be used?
3Find Terms ViewHidden terms do no displayBug1 = HighNew2When should hidden terms be shown?
4Find Terms ViewThe "Find" button looks like a tabBug2 = MediumGUI1
5Find Terms ViewMessage for length of search string is worded incorrectlyCurrent wording: "Search string must be greater than 3 characters" Correct wording: "Search string must be at least 3 characters"Bug2 = MediumGUI1
6Find Terms ViewReceive 2 error messages when the maximum number of records is returned1st message: Max number of terms exceeded please try with a more specific query. 2nd message: An unknown error has occurred during your rest call attemptBug1 = HighNew2Please explain
7Find Terms ViewSearch by Codes: the box listing the search conditions is missing. You can only do an "Exact" search.Bug1 = HighNew2
8GeneralViews: The text on the "OK" button in all the dialog boxes is difficult to read and it is slightly different than the other buttonsBug2 = MediumGUI1
9GeneralViews: XML message icon is the old oneBug3 = LowGUI1
10Navigate Terms ViewTooltips do not display.Bug1 = HighNew3
11Navigate Terms ViewSynonyms and hidden terms are not color coded. No way to know which terms are synonyms or hidden.Bug1 = HighNew2
12Previous Query ViewDrag/drop previous query will display the date and user id in the name.Bug1 = HighGUI2Please explain
13Previous Query ViewThe query result instance name displays the date and user id in the name.Bug1 = HighGUI2Please explain
14Previous Query ViewWhen you drag a renamed previous query to the query tool it displays the wrong name. It displays the old name.Bug1 = HighBug2
15Previous Query ViewTooltips do not displayBug1 = HighNew3
16Query Tool ViewThe "Run Query" and "New Query" buttons look like tabs.Bug2 = MediumGUI1
17Query Tool ViewHelp for each option in the value constraint window doesn't appear as a button. Instead you will see "[?]" at the end of the text. It looks like it is part of the label. There is no indication that you can click on it to display additional information.Bug1 = HighGUI1
18Query Tool ViewConstrain by flag has an additional option called "Normal"Bug2 = MediumBug1
19Query Tool ViewValue constraint doesn't display next to the concept name in the panel.Web: "Glucose (Group:GLU)" Workbench: "Glucose (Group:GLU) >130"Bug1 = HighNew1
20Query Tool ViewCan't set value constraint on custom terms. (Custom terms are those that are setup via the edit terms view and reside in a custom metadata table).Bug1 = HighNew2Please explain
21Query Tool ViewMissing tooltip when hover over item/concept in the panel.Bug1 = HighNew3
22Timeline ViewPatient set displays the wrong name.Example: queryName[date][user][PATIENTSET_id]Bug1 = HighNew2Please explain
23Timeline ViewThe options dialog window doesn't open when you click on the icon.Bug1 = HighNew5Need to review. The web client version of the timeline is limited due to JavaScript implementation. Needs to be rewritten in Flash.
24Timeline ViewDate range of the timeline is odd. It appears as follows:12/31/2499 ------- 1/1/20000 ------- 1/1/1500Bug1 = HighBug2How to reproduce?
25Timeline ViewConcepts and associated ticks do not appear. (I think this is because the timeline dates are wrong)Bug1 = HighBug2How to reproduce?
26Workplace ViewCan't rename an item. After changing the name the old one will appear in the view and an error message will be returned.<status type="ERROR> Error message delivered from the remote server You may wish to retry your last action</status>Bug1 = HighBug2
27Workplace ViewTooltips do not display. Can't see annotations.Bug1 = HighNew3
28Workplace ViewDrag/drop doesn't keep the appropriate icon. Folders and containers display the concept icon.Note: Patient icons appear fine.Bug1 = HighBug2
29Workplace ViewDrag/drop patient set from previous query displays the wrong name.Web: queryName[date][userID][PATIENTSET_id] Workbench: Patient Set - 45 Patients Note: Same issue when dropped in timelineBug1 = HighNew2Please explain
30Workplace ViewIn the workbench you can't drag a patient list from the workplace to the timeline if the patient list was added to the workplace via the web.Bug1 = HighBug2Please explain
31Find Terms ViewSome of the choices in the drop-down list of conditions (1st box) are labeled differently.Web: "contains", "left" & "right" Workbench: "Containing", "Starting with" & "Ending with"Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1
32Find Terms ViewSearch results are displayed differently between the web and workbenchWeb: Items are listed in an expandable folder. Have to open the folder to find the desired term. Workbench: Items appear in single list. Folders are not expandable.Inconsistency3 = LowNew3What is desired behavior?
33GeneralViews: Options icon is differentInconsistency3 = LowGUI1
34Previous Query ViewOptions: Wording of maximum number of queries is different.Web: "Maximum Number of Queries to Display:" Workbench: "Maximum number of queries to be displayed:"Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1
35Previous Query ViewOptions: Order of display section labeled differentlyWeb: "Sort Queries" Workbench: "Order of display"Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1
36Previous Query ViewOptions: Labels for sorting/order are differentWeb: "By Name" & "By Create Date" Workbench: "Sort by query name" & "Sort by time when the query was created"Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1
37Previous Query ViewOptions: Missing section: "Patient labels" with these options:Show Names (Protected health information) Show Demographics (De-identified data)Inconsistency3 = LowNew3Please explain
38Previous Query ViewOptions: Button in dialog is labeled differentlyWeb: "Cancel" Workbench: "Close"Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1What is desired behavior?
39Previous Query ViewRename query dialog box has different labelsWeb: Window title: "Query Name" Field label: "Please type a name for the query:" Workbench: Window title: "Query Name" Field label: "Please type a name for the query:"Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1What is desired behavior?
40Previous Query ViewRename query takes extra key stroke on the web client. When the rename dialog box opens you have to highlight the existing name (delete it) before entering a new one. In the workbench it is already highlighted.Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1
41Query Tool ViewOptions: Maximum waiting labels are differentWeb: "Maximum Time to Wait for XML Response (in seconds):" Workbench: "Maximum waiting time (seconds) for XML Response:"Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1What is desired behavior?
42Query Tool ViewThe "type of results" is labeled differentlyWeb: in the Run Query dialog box they are called "query result type(s)" Workbench: in the view they are called "Analysis Types"Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1What is desired behavior?
43Query Tool ViewWay to clear/reset a query is done differently in the web versus workbenchWeb: there is a button at the bottom of the view that says "New Query" Workbench: there is a button at the top of the view with an "X"Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1What is desired behavior?
44Query Tool ViewRun query buttons are labeled differentlyInconsistency3 = LowGUI1What is desired behavior?
45Query Tool ViewTooltip for "Dates" constraint is different.Web: "Select the date range for this group's criterion to have occurred within…" (note: occurred is spelled wrong in the tooltip) Workbench: "Constrain group by dates"Inconsistency2 = MediumGUI1What is desired behavior?
46Query Tool ViewTooltip for "Occurs > 0x" constraint is differentWeb: "Select the minimum number of times this group's criterion has occurred…" (note: occurred is spelled wrong in the tooltip) Workbench: "Set occurrence times"Inconsistency2 = MediumGUI1What is desired behavior?
47Query Tool ViewTooltip for "Exclude" constraint is differentWeb: "Exclude records matching this group's criterion" Workbench: "Exclude all items in panel"Inconsistency2 = MediumGUI1What is desired behavior?
48Query Tool ViewDate constraint window title is differentWeb: "Constrain Group by Date Range" Workbench: "Constrain Dates for: Group1"Inconsistency2 = MediumGUI1What is desired behavior?
49Query Tool ViewCalendar is available in the web but not the workbench.Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1What is desired behavior?
50Query Tool ViewDefault date range is different (From date only)Web: 01/01/2006 Workbench: 12/01/1979Inconsistency2 = MediumGUI1What is desired behavior?
51Query Tool ViewDay appears with the date in the date constraint window. It is missing in the web client but they can open the calendar to see the day.Inconsistency3 = LowGUI2What is desired behavior?
52Query Tool ViewConstrain by occurrences window title is differentWeb: "Constrain Group by Number of Occurrences" Workbench: "Constrain Occurrence Times for: Group1"Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1What is desired behavior?
53Query Tool ViewConstrain by occurrences field is labeled differentlyWeb: "Event(s) within the group occur more than 0] times" Workbench: "Event Occurs more than number of times in the box: [0]"Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1What is desired behavior?
54Query Tool ViewThe box for selecting the number of occurrences works differently.Web: drop down list to select from Workbench: Click on up or down arrows until reach the desired numberInconsistency3 = LowGUI1I think a drop down is more appropriate for the web.
55Query Tool ViewThe indication that a panel has an exclusion constraint works slightly differentWeb: Information text box changes to red and says "none of these" Workbench: Background of the panel turns grayInconsistency3 = LowGUI1I think the web client behavior is better.
56Query Tool ViewTitle of the dialog box for value constraints is differentWeb: "Choose value of Glucose (Test:GLU)" Workbench: Choose value of GLUCOSE (LOINC:6777-7)"Inconsistency3 = LowNew1Need specs
57Query Tool ViewSome of the operator for "By value" are labeled slightly differentWeb: "Equal (=)" and "Greater than or equal (>=)" Workbench: "Equal to (=)" and "Greater than or equal to (>=)"Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1What is desired behavior?
58Workplace ViewDialog boxes display the http address instead of the name of the box. (ex.: Rename Work Item Dialog)Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1Please explain
59Workplace ViewAnnotate item: the default in the dialog box is differentWeb: Defaults to the path of the item (may be the tooltip). Workbench: No default. It is blank.Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1What is desired behavior?
60Workplace ViewAnnotate item: the wording in the dialog box is differentWeb: "Change this work item's annotation to:" Workbench: "Annotate this item"Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1What is desired behavior?
61Workplace ViewWarning message when deleting is worded differently.Web: "Are you sure you want to delete "itemName"?" Workbench: "Delete node "itemName"?"Inconsistency2 = MediumGUI1What is desired behavior?
62Workplace ViewButtons in the Delete dialog box are labeled differently.Web: "Cancel" and "Ok" Workbench: "Yes" and "No"Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1What is desired behavior?
63Workplace ViewSystem refresh that occurs when adding a new folder seems to work differently.Web: appears to refresh all items in the user's folder Workbench: appears to only refresh the item you are working on.Inconsistency3 = LowGUI3I think we looked at this and it was a limitation of YUI
64Workplace ViewDelete folder message is different in web and workbenchWeb: "Are you sure you want to delete "folderName" and all it's contents?" Workbench: "Deleting a folder will delete its contents also. Delete folder "folderName"?"Inconsistency3 = LowGUI1What is desired behavior?
65Find Terms ViewOptions: Missing the "Reset to Defaults" button.Missing functionality1 = HighNew2
66Find Terms ViewText box (search string): Can't select previous searchesMissing functionality1 = HighNew3This might be utilizing a feature of Eclipse text boxes that's not available on the web. A custom JavaScript feature would need to be implemented.
67Find Terms ViewCan't cancel a search.Missing functionality1 = HighNew3Please explain
68GeneralProject name is missing from the "Web Shell"Missing functionality2 = MediumNew2
69GeneralUser name is missing from the "Web Shell"Missing functionality2 = MediumNew2
70GeneralStatus indicator with link to the log file is missing from the "Web Shell"Missing functionality2 = MediumNew3Need specs
71GeneralButton that is linked to the i2b2 website is missing from the "Web Shell"Missing functionality2 = MediumNew1It might be more appropriate to bury this within about/help text for the web client. The information on the i2b2 website could be too much for a first-time enterprise user.
72GeneralAnalysis view is missingMissing functionality3 = LowNew5Please explain
73GeneralEdit terms view is missingMissing functionality3 = LowNew4Need specs. This is probably low priority for the web client.
74General"Login View" / Welcome page is missingMissing functionality3 = LowNew3Please explain
75GeneralAnnotator view is missing (optional feature)Missing functionality3 = LowNew4Please explain
76GeneralExport data view is missing (optional feature)Missing functionality3 = LowNew4Need specs
77GeneralHPC (High Performance Computing) view is missing (optional feature)Missing functionality3 = LowNew4Need specs. This is probably low priority for the web client.
78GeneralTable View is missing (optional feature)Missing functionality3 = LowNew4Need specs
79GeneralText Analyzer View is missing (optional feature)Missing functionality3 = LowNew4Need specs
80GeneralAbout page is missing (version information, contributors, etc)Missing functionality1 = HighNew3Need specs
81GeneralFeatures: Update and Add new is missingMissing functionality3 = LowNew3Please explain
82GeneralSecurity: Session timeout is missingMissing functionality1 = HighNew3Need specs
83GeneralSecurity: Roles based accessMissing functionality1 = HighNew4Please explain
84GeneralViews: Dynamic Help is missingMissing functionality2 = MediumNew4Please explain
85GeneralViews: No way to close/remove a viewMissing functionality2 = MediumNew5Requires significant rewrite
86GeneralViews: No way to customize the page (resize and move views)Missing functionality2 = MediumNew5Requires significant rewrite
87Navigate Terms ViewOptions: Missing the "Reset to Defaults" button.Missing functionality1 = HighNew3
88Navigate Terms ViewPop-up menu displays the standard web options. It should display the following:Enable patient counts Use short tooltips Show concept codes in tooltips RefreshMissing functionality1 = HighNew4Need specs
89Previous Query ViewOptions: Missing "Maximum number of patients to be displayed:"Missing functionality2 = MediumNew3Need specs
90Previous Query ViewOptions: Missing "Get all queries in your group" checkbox. Can only see your queries.Missing functionality3 = LowNew3Need specs
91Previous Query ViewCancel is missing from the pop-up menu; therefore you can't cancel the server side of a query.Missing functionality1 = HighNew3Need specs
92Previous Query ViewNot able to rename a patient set.Missing functionality1 = HighNew3Need specs
93Previous Query ViewNot able to rename the result set/instance name.Missing functionality1 = HighNew 3Need specs
94Query Tool ViewMissing the following analysis types:Gender patient breakdown Vital status patient breakdown Race patient breakdown Age patient breakdown Timeline (this one may not be needed because timeline is not auto generated in the web client)Missing functionality3 = LowNew3Need specs
95Query Tool ViewOptions: Missing "Maximum number of children to be displayed:"Missing functionality2 = MediumNew2Need specs
96Query Tool ViewMissing the checkbox to "Get Everyone"Missing functionality3 = LowNew3Need specs
97Query Tool ViewNo way to cancel a query once it has startedMissing functionality1 = HighNew3Need specs
98Query Tool ViewRunning a query with a date, occurrence or exclusion constraint is missing the "(+)" in the default query nameMissing functionality2 = MediumNew2Need specs
99Timeline ViewCan't drag a previous query to it and have it automatically populate the list of concepts and the patient set.Missing functionality2 = MediumNew5Need to review. The web client version of the timeline is limited due to JavaScript implementation. Needs to be rewritten in Flash.
100Timeline ViewCan't set a date or value constraint on an item.Missing functionality2 = MediumNew5Need to review. The web client version of the timeline is limited due to JavaScript implementation. Needs to be rewritten in Flash.
101Timeline ViewCan't change the size ("shape") of the tick or the color associated to an item.Missing functionality2 = MediumNew5Need to review. The web client version of the timeline is limited due to JavaScript implementation. Needs to be rewritten in Flash.
102Timeline ViewCan't change the order of the conceptsMissing functionality2 = MediumNew5Need to review. The web client version of the timeline is limited due to JavaScript implementation. Needs to be rewritten in Flash.
103Timeline ViewMissing the checkbox to display the concepts with no dataMissing functionality2 = MediumNew5Need to review. The web client version of the timeline is limited due to JavaScript implementation. Needs to be rewritten in Flash.
104Timeline ViewMissing the checkbox to display patient demographicsMissing functionality2 = MediumNew5Need to review. The web client version of the timeline is limited due to JavaScript implementation. Needs to be rewritten in Flash.
105Timeline ViewThe name of the patient set doesn't appear on the View Results tab.Missing functionality2 = MediumNew5Need to review. The web client version of the timeline is limited due to JavaScript implementation. Needs to be rewritten in Flash.
106Workplace ViewCan't see folders of other users. (user role is admin)Missing functionality3 = LowNew3Need specs
107Workplace ViewNo way to refresh the view (web & workbench).Missing functionality1 = HighNew3Need specs
108Query Tool ViewWhen get a PROCESSING, the client continues to run and need to start clientMissing functionality1 = HighNew3Nick Benik
109Query Tool ViewObfuscated user get 'Locled Out' than queries always return 0Missing functionality1 = HighNew3Nick Benik
110Ontology ViewRefresh view (right Click)Missing functionality1 = HighNew3Nick Benik
111Workplace ViewRefresh view (right Click)Missing functionality1 = HighNew3Nick Benik