Health Ontology Mapper
Space shortcuts
Space Tools


UETL (Universal Extract, Transform, and Load)





















University of California, San Francisco






















UETL (Universal Extract, Transform, and Load)

1 Installation

2 UETL (Universal Extract, Transform, and Load) architecture

3 UETL process

3.1 UETL Process flow diagram

3.2 Filters

4 Database (DB) setup

4.1 Configure database

4.1.1 Source database

4.1.2 Proxy database

4.2 Proxy database schema

4.3 I2b2 database schema

5 How to use UETL

5.1 Generate bulk-load files for i2b2DemoData schema

5.1.1 Patient_Dimension

5.1.2 Visit_Dimension

5.1.3 Concept_Dimension

5.1.4 Patient_Dimension

5.2 Generate bulk-load files for i2b2DemoData schema

5.2.1 I2b2 table

5.2.2 TableAccess table

6 Load data into i2b2

7 Known issues





























1        Installation

2        UETL ( Universal Extract, Transform, and Load ) architecture


3        UETL process

3.1    UETL Process flow diagram







3.2    Filters

Following filters are applied for Observation_Fact data.

ICD9 : It will generate concept_code as ICD9: ICD9 value

ICD10 : ICD10: ICD10 value

ProxyBirth: This is for PHI, if you don’t want to use original Date Of Birth. It will proxy every date of birth to Jan 1 st , for example 2010/05/25 will be 2010/01/01

Also, you apply this filter to any date filed, which you want to proxy

ProxyEncounter : If there is an encounter column in the selected columns and want to use ProxyEncounter, which ware previously generated using VisitDim UI and loaded in Proxy_Enounter table


ProxyMRN : If there is a MRN column in the selected columns and want to use ProxyMRN, which ware previously generated using PatientDim UI and loaded in Proxy_MRN table


ZipCodeFilter: To proxy the ZipCode. It masks last two digits of zipcode.

e.g. 95123 will be 951xx


i2b2 Dimension Filters

We will be using only for the PatientDim


The source table for this is PROXY_MRN_PATIENT_DIMENSION.


It will generate the demographics data in descriptive form.

It will substitute the appropriate text description for the demographics data.

e.g. Patient gender will have 1 for Male, 2 for F

Or Race is represented in numeric value 1,2 3, etc., It will add appropriate text for the race, 1 can be White, 2 can be Black




4        Database (DB) setup

4.1    Configure database

4.1.1                         Source database

Got to dist folder e dit DBConnection.xml file to enter Database details

Eg. C:\UETL\dist


Following is the sample:

<ServerName NAME="SQL-Server">






<DatabaseName>Enter Database name</DatabaseName>

<Username>Enter User name</Username>

<Password>Entere Password</Password>



<ServerName NAME="XYZ">






<DatabaseName>Enter Database name from oracle</DatabaseName>

<InstanceName>Enter Database instance name</InstanceName>

<Username>Eneter user id</Username>

<Password>Eneter Password</Password>


4.1.2                         Proxy database

Sample for the sql server

<ServerName NAME="ProxyMRN">







<Username>Eneter User name for proxy DB</Username>

<Password>Eneter password</Password>





4.2    Proxy database schema

Following tables are required for ProxyMRNs and ProxyEncounters





[MRN] [bigint] NULL,

[ProxyMRN] [bigint] NULL,

[SourceSystem] [varchar] ( 30 ) NULL,

[CreatedDate] [datetime] NULL







[Encounter] [bigint] NULL,

[ProxyEncounter] [bigint] NULL,

[MRN] [bigint] NULL,

[ProxyMRN] [bigint] NULL,

[SourceSystem] [varchar] ( 30 ) NULL,

[CreatedDate] [datetime] NULL







[PATIENT_NUM] [bigint] NULL,

[VITAL_STATUS_CD] [varchar] ( 10 ) NULL,

[BIRTH_DATE] [datetime] NULL,

[DEATH_DATE] [datetime] NULL,

[SEX_CD] [varchar] ( 1 ) NULL,


[LANGUAGE_CD] [varchar] ( 20 ) NULL,

[RACE_CD] [varchar] ( 100 ) NULL,

[MARITAL_STATUS_CD] [varchar] ( 20 ) NULL,

[RELIGION_CD] [varchar] ( 20 ) NULL,

[ZIP_CD] [varchar] ( 20 ) NULL,

[STATECITYZIP_PATH] [varchar] ( 12 ) NULL,

[PATIENT_BLOB] [varchar] ( 100 ) NULL,

[UPDATE_DATE] [datetime] NULL,

[DOWNLOAD_DATE] [datetime] NULL,

[IMPORT_DATE] [datetime] NULL,

[SOURCESYSTEM_CD] [varchar] ( 20 ) NULL,



4.3    I2b2 database schema

Under construction

5        How to use UETL

Under construction

5.1    Generate bulk-load files for i2b2DemoData schema

Under construction

5.1.1                         Patient_Dimension

Under construction

5.1.2                         Visit_Dimension

Under construction

5.1.3                         Concept_Dimension

Under construction

5.1.4                         Patient_Dimension

Under construction



5.2    Generate bulk-load files for i2b2DemoData schema

Under construction

5.2.1                         I2b2 table

Under construction

5.2.2                         TableAccess table

Under construction

6        Load data into i2b2

Under construction

7        Known issues

Under construction