Health Ontology Mapper
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Hello team,


Present on today's Ontology Mapper team meeting: Davera, Maggie, Paul, Prakash, Marco, William.



1) Maggie briefly discussed the UI. She is going to send out a template of the UI for review.


2) We talked about the Google Groups site. Davera needs to be added as a member.


3) We discussed the i2b2 database design questions document based on the phone call with Dr. Shawn Murphy from Partners Healthcare- I2b2 Project Director. Many subtopics were brought up:


a)      Prakash discussed the Mapping interpreter table and database design issues. I’ve incorporated his work into my database design logical ER model. Prakash has proposed the addition of: MAP_DIMENSION in support of the mapping rules engine and its candidate keys: map_id, concept_cd, concept_path and encoding. Prakash is going to investigate if these keys should exist in the observation_fact table as foreign keys only or as part of the primary key, adding concept_path and encoding to the PK.

b)      I would propose that once we determine our db design approach, we need to pass it on to Shawn and the i2b2 team for review if we wish to remain compatable.

c)       Question 10: We need further clarification from Mark regarding the NLP cell and how it uses UMLS. Shawn did explain that the new i2b2 architecture uses a Service oriented architecture which allows the NLP cell to run on a different server from the rest of the hive

d)      Question 11: Shawn described for us how ontologies or taxonomies are loaded from into the i2b2metadata schema and then populated into the CONCEPT_DIMENSION. Davera had questions regarding how the SNOMED knowledge base would be loaded into i2b2. We need clarification from i2b2 on this issue.

e)      I suggested that we will want to review the db design q&a document again next week when Rob returns


Okay.  I will post a copy of this on our google group at: .


