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Totalnum Scripts (patient counting scripts) have been updated to improve the counter's performance on both multiple ontology tables and very large(>1.5 million) ontologies  such as ACT medications. Debug messages have also been added for troubleshooting and profiling purposes. Support for multiple fact tables has been added and bugfixes have been made.

Totalnum Scripts Setup

  1. If upgrading, create the totalnum and totalnum_report tables. In Release_1-7/Upgrade/Metadata, run the ant upgrade script.
    ant -f data_build.xml upgrade_tables_release_1-7-12a
  2.  In the Release_1-7/NewInstall/Metadata/ run the ant script to create the stored procedures. 
    ant -f data_build.xml create_metadata_procedures_release_1-7 
  3. Set privileges: If using multiple schemas, the stored procedure should be run from the metadata schema. Make sure the stored procedure can read the tables in the crcdata schema (observation_fact, visit_dimension, patient_dimension) and can both read an update ontology tables in the metadata schema (including table_access). 
  4. If using multiple fact tables, the recommended approach is to create a fact table view as the union of all your fact tables. (This is essentially going back to a single fact table, but it is only used for totalnum counting. This is needed to correctly count patients that mention multiple fact tables within a hierarchy.)
           create view observation_fact_view as
           select * from CONDITION_VIEW 
           union all
           select * from drug_view
    If running the counting script in SQL Server, add the wildcard flag, to ignore multifact references in the ontology: e.g. exec RunTotalnum 'observation_fact_view','dbo','@','Y'
    This is automatically accounted for in the other database platforms. Note this approach does not work if you have conflicting concept_cds across fact tables.
  5. Run the stored procedures on your database. This can be done in two ways:
    • Run the ant command to execute the data_build.xml file with below specified target 
      POSTGRESQL : ant -f data_build.xml db_metadata_run_total_count_postgresql
      ORACLE : ant -f data_build.xml db_metadata_run_total_count_oracle
      SQL SERVER : ant -f data_build.xml db_metadata_run_total_count_sqlserver   
    • Execute the RunTotalNum  stored procedure manually against your database from a SQL Client. This can take several hours for large databases or large ontologies.  Examples are below.




You can optionally include a table name if you only want to count one ontology table (this IS case sensitive):

Note: If you get the error as: ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privilege, then run the command:
        grant create table to (DB USER)  


When finished, verify it is complete by checking that c_totalnum columns in your ontology tables contain numbers (not nulls). These total counts will be visible in the ontology browser in the web client.

Parent folders will get counts (of all patients with facts in the leaves) except for ontology folders derived from visit_dimension or patient_dimension. These cannot be rolled up because of the way these terms are defined in the ontology. They will have no count at all (not a zero).


i2b2 users must have the DATA_AGG user permission to view the counts through the web client.

Patient Counting Scripts ("totalnum")

Improved CRC scripts execution Process


The JDBC drivers were updated to the following versions.

Server Type




Driver Version




Driver Version

Oracle 21.5

PostgreSQL 42.3.2

MSSql Server 9.2

Supported Db Server versions
