I. Installing backend (GIRI cell) 1. Install R: sudo apt-get install r-base 2. Install package 'xtable' in R: sudo R install.packages("xtable") 3. Make sure JRI library ( de.erlangen.i2b2.giri/lib/libjri.so ) is compatible with your OS (32 / 64 bit) If not: Recompile libjri.so a) Open de.erlangen.i2b2.giri/etc/JRI/README and follow compile instructions b) Then copy de.erlangen.i2b2.giri/etc/JRI/libjri.so to de.erlangen.i2b2.giri/lib/libjri.so 4. Make an R-Scriptlet root folder wherever you wish und set at least read access for the i2b2 user 5. Edit de.erlangen.i2b2.giri/build.properties (e.g. register R-scriptlet root folder path here) 6. Compile JAVA program with ant: cd de.erlangen.i2b2.giri ant -f master_build.xml build-all 7. Stop jboss (hot deployment doesn't work with me) 8. Deploy: sudo ant jboss_deploy 9. Start jboss again 10. Check if GIRIService is running (Open browser at http://localhost:9090/i2b2/services/listServices ) 11. Insert it into the i2b2 hive: - By using the workbench admin tool or - Adding an entry to the i2b2 database table I2B2PM.PM_CELL_DATA Add line: "GIRI";"/";"GIRI Cell";"REST";"http://localhost:9090/i2b2/rest/GIRIService/";1;null;null;null;"A" (12. Install more R packages if needed by the scriptlet developer e.g. "survival") II. Installing frontend (web client plugin) 1. Copy folder GIRI to /var/www/webclient/js-i2b2/cells/ 2. Copy folder GIRIPlugin to /var/www/webclient/js-i2b2/cells/plugins 3. Set at least write access rights to i2b2 user for folders: /var/www/webclient/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/GIRIPlugin/assets/csv /var/www/webclient/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/GIRIPlugin/assets/plots /var/www/webclient/js-i2b2/cells/plugins/GIRIPlugin/assets/RImage 4. Edit /var/www/webclient/js-i2b2/i2b2_loader.js Add to i2b2.hive.tempCellsList the following two entries (don't forget the colons at the end!) { code: "GIRI"}, { code: "GIRIPlugin", forceLoading: true, forceConfigMsg: { params: [] }, roles: [ "DATA_LDS", "DATA_DEID", "DATA_PROT" ], forceDir: "cells/plugins" }, 5. An additional entry "GIRI: Statistical functions" should now appear in the plugins list in i2b2 III. Known issues: - Firefox caches i2b2_loader.js (ans all other .js files) and so it doesn't recognize changes -> Type in address of js file ( http://localhost/webclient/js-i2b2/i2b2_loader.js ) and reload (press F5) - The libs in the common package of this cell are almost the same as in other cells. There's one small difference: the axis2-1.1 lib was replaced by axis2-1.1.1 as the former had a bug causing a MethodNotFoundException