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  1. AMIA 2020 Workshop Summary.pdf

    to direct Queries to proper Fact Table view OMOP Linked into i2b2 software Personalized Medicine and Genomic … Frequency and Convenience for Patient Communication Data Enclave Multiple query endpoints feeding into Data Commons for Research, Operations, and Clinical Insights
  2. 1.6.06 Release Notes

    . WEB CLIENT: Panel Timing is not always displayed correctly. In the Web client if there are more than three panels being used in the Query Tool … . This is only a display issue because when the query is run the correct panel timing is sent in the xml message. STATUS/RESOLUTION: This issue has been
    Release ManagementSep 05, 2012
  3. 1.7.01 Release Notes

    state </li> <li>Clicking on the Clear button does not return the Query Tool to the default settings. When a temporal query is created, and a user clicks on the clear button to start a new query, the Temporal Constraint is changed to "Define sequence of events" and it should default to "Treat all groups
    Release ManagementJul 07, 2014
  4. 1.6.03 Release Notes

    ('SETFINDER_QRY_WITH_LGTEXT','DATA_DEID','USER'); WEB CLIENT: Auto-generate "Timeline" In the past, when running a query with the result type of Timeline selected … encryption key. WEB CLIENT: Print Query added to Query Status The option to print a query has been added to the Query Status view of the Web Client
    Release ManagementMar 20, 2012
  5. 1.6.05 Release Notes

    the "Number of patients" analysis type is now checked by default in the query tool. Workbench: "Timeline" checked by default if user has the appropriate permissions to view timeline data Prior to release 1.6.05, the Analysis Type of "Timeline" was checked off by default when a user ran a query. Since
    Release ManagementJul 24, 2012
  6. 1.7.11 Release Notes

    folder of either: 1) ontology terms or 2) individual patients can be dragged to a query panel and all be dropped into the panel. Previous queries panel with a list of patients can have a single patient dragged to a query panel Added to web client Filter List By User Search Previous Queries - already exists Page
    Release ManagementMar 06, 2019
  7. 1.6.00 Known Issues

    of the ontology views. We are currently working on the resolution for this issue. Query: Using old "deleted" previous queries will cause web client to crash The client will hang / crash when you drag a previous query from the workplace to the Query Name in the Query Tool view if the previous query no longer
    Release ManagementOct 11, 2011
  8. 1.7.05 Release Notes

    ="">CORE-169</a>] - SHRINE Previous Queries: Path displays in Query Tool instead of item name </li> <li>[<a href … ="">WEBCLIENT-80</a>] - New view: Find Previous Queries </li> <li>[<a href
    Release ManagementDec 14, 2016
  9. OntoMapper Minutes 9 23 08.doc

    Ontology Mapper Minutes 9/23/08 HL7 Balloting is wrapping up and it looks like we made it. On Wednesday Rob will make a site visit to Davis We are beginning our test data generation work. Davera and Hillari have gotten started. Prakash as the UI for exiting and pending queries running (Dash Board) and User Info
    Health Ontology Mapper / … / HOM HomeDec 20, 2010
  10. AMIA_Spring_IDR.doc

    to ad-hoc queries) in which dimensional data (describing how data are commonly aggregated) are separated from fact or event data (describing individual business … , in retrospect, the PHI of these people should not have been available to the people running the query in the lab. Perhaps the cohort that was generated
    Health Ontology Mapper / … / HOM HomeDec 20, 2010