[CORE-59] Upgrade scripts are missing tables Created: 19/Dec/11  Updated: 05/Jun/14  Resolved: 21/Dec/11

Status: Closed
Project: i2b2 Core Software
Component/s: Data, Install
Affects Version/s: 1.6.00
Fix Version/s: 1.6.03

Type: Task Priority: Major
Reporter: George Kowalski Assignee: Mike Mendis
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: None
Remaining Estimate: Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Estimate: Not Specified
Environment: Unix

Rank: 0|i000vz:

After upgrading a previous 1.5.X installation to 1.6 , i2b2 would not work against them. It was found that the following tables were not created by the upgrade scripts:


in the i2b2demodata schema.

After creating thee by hand , the installation then worked.


Comment by Mike Mendis [ 21/Dec/11 ]
Agree that modifier_dimension should be there, but for oracle the MASTER_QUERY_GLOBAL_TEMP does have the scripts. If you are using sql server, than this will be created dynamically by the database.

The modifier dim will be in the next release
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